she must be nuts to try that stunt....maybe the guy should rethink his relationship with this women...i wish her the best in her recovery...weird stuff there.
looks should not scare anyone...the unknown is the scary people profiled him on his looks....that is why we are in the shape we are. he should dress accordingly...that was not.
go rent a water ram gun....just make certain the drain is full with water or you will blow your pipes about....i too have a old house ( 130 yrs old ) and it works every time..
springfield 1911 gi 45 parkerized black with pachmayr finger grooved grips with a pancake holster. once you get used to the weight...its the best for the money. pretty and shinny does not make it shot straight...practice does. i also carry a glock of both worlds.....choose what is right for you not what we have to carry it.
well...opinions are like assholes...everyone has one....but some bikes don't sound good with loud pipes and some do...i have longshots on my drifter and the baffles are in..its loud...but with a low tones...some bikes have that ever annoying high pitch that just sounds terrible. my 2cents
look at kawasaki vulcans....i ride a bike my butt has ever touched...its low but not to bad. the standard vulcan is nice too....the suzuki boulevard is an awesome bike too.
keep in mind that most " NOT ALL " hardley riders heads are so big ...and empty they are afraid of tipping over and crashing.thats why they don't wave....and they can't do two things at the same nice to hardley riders...they don't know better.
the s&w looks like a glock...for that money..i would just buy a glock 2 cents i have a 26 with over 1000 rounds through it..not one problem...if i'm not carrying my 1911..its the 26. terry
Who makes the call that the house is clear? still don't see my point...being a fireman is not about money...let me say that again." its not about the money"....if you call your self a fireman and you let a structure burn to the ground and you did nothing.....then you're an asshole..plain and simple....many of my 22 yrs i didn't get paid...i did it because i wanted to..paid or not. I can't believe this even happened...i also volunteered and join the army....not for the pay..when i was getting shot to protect this country i didn't ask which americans paid their fees, so i know who to protect. Who are you or any politician to say which lives i can save ? God makes that call....not us!
would you still feel that way if it was your house....i bet not.....firefighters take oaths not about money i don't care if you pay for service or not....argue that with the insurance if they is an accident and people are you break out the contracts and see who is cover to be extricated...HELL NO. you do your job and fight about it later...send them a bill.....i guess you are ok to let people die for a few if believe that then you're an ass too. FIREMEN SAVES LIVES...ALL LIVES....NOT JUST THE ONES THAT PAY A FEE.
the whole fire dept should be fired...i fought fire for over 22 was never about money...its about saving lives and property and to risk to others....they should have saved the house and argued about it later....all they did is put SHAME on the fire service. its shows where their heart is........its in their wallets. i could have never stood there and watch someones home burn to the ground....that dept SUCKS.
i know of one that is really nice trailer...not sure if its still available for 950..double axle...if i didn't already have one ...i would have bought in wayne co. just south of burbank... email me at : if interested