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Posts posted by jsheikh

  1. Ya even the dude was like, this is unusual... I mean who would be dumb enough to rape someone with their parents in the same house. I know it happens or can happen. But randomly? And Im sure the dude had his hand over her mouth but im also sure she would be able to let out a scream or two. Plus the rapist just leaves?! Thats it?! lol... "ok well, thanks for that... i guess i'll let myself out..."... I dunno but this sounds fishy

  2. costs can be kept relatively low with good planning. Things I've learned:

    - CAMP. it's never cost me more than $25 to camp. Usually more like $10. hotels are at least $60.

    - use a truck, if you can. Trailers add to tolls a LOT.

    - Don't go to tracks via toll road! see above. Putnam is about an hour further from me than Gingerman, but I'll be at Putnam more often because the tolls to get to Gingerman make it a lot more expensive.

    - don't buy more tire than you need. I'm running a fast I/slow A pace on Dunlop Qualifiers. They last for freakin' ever. Even at my pace, I get at least 6 days out of a rear, and double that out of a front. I count on 2 rears, 1 front, and 1 set of brake pads each season. ends up about $450. Less if you get good deals on tires. You don't need "DOT race" tires to do trackdays. You also don't need tire warmers, etc. Those things certainly help, but if they're not in the budget, they're not in the budget.

    - have a cheap bike. $5k is the most i'd think of spending on a track bike, unless i was serious about racing.

    - have a small bike. Less power = longer tire life. My buddy Jeff absolutely destroyed a Dunlop 209 in one day on Sunday. he rides basically the same pace as me (can't catch me, but I can't pass him, so you figure it out), and demolished his tire under acceleration on his 1000RR. My 600 is a little kinder, and an SV650 is even better.

    - do 2 days at a time. Most orgs give you a discount on the second consecutive day, and you're getting twice the riding out of the same travel costs.

    - buy credits in bulk. Not sure how other orgs do it, but if you buy $500 in credits from NESBA, they give you $575. That makes your membership free, and sets you up to pay very little 'extra' on two full weekends at Putnam.

    - buy events in the for-sale section. People freaked about the weather at Beave this past weekend and were trying to unload their $165 events for $125. I wish I'd been able to take advantage of that!

    Good advice and info man.

  3. I got an arai profile for around 300 just recently. Good and slightly cheaper option than the shoei lol....

    Im no pro, but i dont think messing/adding a bit of foam would affect its durability/safety all that much. It seems more dangerous to not have a good fit. As long as it fits snug and balanced on your head it seems like it'd be fine.

  4. They were the HD/cruiser type guys, not just HD guys. Not the out of shape HD guys...lol. You know, the guys who think they are Jesse James...

    hahaha... Thinking you're like jesse james, that itself deserves an ass beating lol... But you prob did smartest thing, keep your fam safe, stay out of trouble and let authorities handle it... But i aint got nothing to lose and woulda had fun sparring again :boxing: haha

  5. Cheap shot the biggest, look who has piercings and mangle them, and get a crazy eyed look and see who steps up next. That's just me though.

    Hahahah Same here... I dont have wife and kids to worry about so I'd woop one guys' ass, do a few tae kwon do flips, add a little bruce lee sound effect or two and end with a kung fu pose... If they didnt get the idea well then i'll just kick all their asses, im not sure of the stereotype but im pretty sure im more fit and trained than HD riders lol

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