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Posts posted by jsheikh

  1. jsheikh looks as if you need to find us a time/place to meet up. I have to swing by my buddy's place and snag him. He lives in West Charelston so i can still be anywhere in Huber by 5:30. Let me, us or whomever know the plan.

    hmm... We can meet up Friday at 530-545 then. At Walmart parking lot on Brandt Pike in Huber. Its near food and gas incase anyone needs it.

  2. if you guys are looking for another, i am interested. i get off of work at 5 though. but i know some of these back roads, and some other really good ones north of town as well.

    Awesome man... Ya of course, more the marrier... It seems harder to get ppl out than having too many join haha

  3. The route I'm thinking about

    I just got my new tire put on today. So I put a few miles on it today to break it in and did a little exploring. I rode this route up until I guess destination point "D" on the map. But it got me wondering if theres anything else fun out there so I saw a few roads that may look fun (just on the map). I never been in that area (past point D) so I have no idea if its fun or not or what its conditions are. Wondering if anyone else interested in a little exploring?

    Up until point D it was pretty scenic, road condition was pretty good. Not a lot of twists but a few which made it "interesting"... for the most part it was an enjoyable ride.

  4. Why you moving and where you going?

    Haha my buddy tells me to move to cbus all the time. I have a lot of friends out there, that city is so much fun

    Moving to Athens. Going to OU for medical school. The medschool classes start a little earlier so I'll be packn up in July.

  5. Im gonna be moving in July... But till then we should all go riding. And like ohdaho said, season is still young... its been chilly recently, but its only going to get better... Fri is supposed to be amazing. Anyone going out then?

  6. Meh, I got no dog in this fight, I'm not illegal, I'm not even 3rd generation FOB. I'm pretty sure my family was the first or second settlers in Ashland/Richland county before Ohio was even a state.... from what I can recall from the genealogy presentations my great aunt gives at family reunions.

    I only interject to enrage people and keep the fuel on the fire. :D

    You guys are doing a good job keeping the flames fanned right now. Jon Stewart covered this all last night anyway... something about (I'm paraphrasing) "all you have to do is say you're a citizen and they have to take you at your word...it's a loophole so big you could drive a truck... full of daylaborers... through it" -JS

    Ya i dont know if anyone checked my post but ill put it up again... its on the daily show website. Its "Law & Border" clip


  7. Its required to use their bike... Their slow and pretty forgiving... Best part is that its not your bike, nor your responsibility... You can whip and flick that thing around all day, it was kinda fun actually... I just took the course this past weekend and we rode these dual sport CRF's. Slow as hell but it was a pleasant change going through weaves faster than i could with the R6 lol

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