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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Know your audience I guess. Some forums are strictly technical and car related and they don’t want a bunch of off topic BS. Others are a lot looser, does it make it right or wrong, no but it is what it is so why complain about it? No different then the people who were bitching about have NWS stuff posted.
  2. After this I won't be doing it either.
  3. Totally off topic, but I got pulled over the other day and that's the first thing I said to the cop. I didn't get a ticket... or tazed.
  4. Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. Like I said it seemed like a good idea at the time. The first 3 beers were good then another and another and when I started doing the shots I realized my life was goanna suck today. But oh well I'll get over it.
  5. The problem is after a point all I care about is drinking more, I could care less what I'm drinking at that point....
  6. NO the Wings Shouldn't be able to keep the Cup... Not after what Kris Drapers kid did to it!? His Daughther shit IN the Stanley Cup! That's just bad carma there.
  7. Tripple cus it's My thRead and I do whAT I want!
  8. I had 156 oz of Corona and 3 oz of Patron, went to bed, woke up 4 hours later was still buzzin.
  9. Well I started to fell better about 2 hours ago, now I'm just ready to go home and sleep. But I still have to go box tonight, I haven't been in the ring in over a week, I'm goanna get whooped tonight. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/boxer.gif
  10. I was in a meeting this morning and on the calendar for Friday June 12 it was scheduled "Jack Off". I just lost it and everyone was like WTF is so funny, then they looked at the calendar and eventually caught on. I was like “Who really schedules that kind of stuff?” It was changed to “Jack will be off this day”
  11. Too much shit to do... and yes, I'm aware of the irony seeing how I'm posting this while at work.
  12. It just kind of snuck up on me. I woke up this morning to find 26 empty bottles of beer on my bar and a few empty shot glasses, it was just me and a friend drinking. I didn't think we drank that much. I can deal with fighting off a bit of a hangover on the weekends, just sleep in and be lazy. But when you have to wake up and be responcible... fuck that!
  13. Well then in that case..... no, it wasn't worth it.
  14. No matter how good it sounds at the time, it's never a good idea to get fucking hammered drunk and stay up till 2:30am when you have to be at work the next morning at 7:00am. Sure it starts off good, but when that alarm goes off 4 hours later and you have to drive to work in traffic half hung over/ drunk all a sudden it seems really stupid. I just got out of my 2nd meeting and I’m pretty sure it’s obvious to everyone in attendance that I’m a little off. I probably smell like a Hobo. Aaaa, this shit sucks!
  15. I predict that this thread will go no were. There are only like 5 people on CR who know about hockey and apparently only 2 of them realize it's still being played. Go Lakers!
  16. GO PENS! http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll113/suzukirider7299/Penguins.gif That is all!
  17. To hell with the camera, that's a bad ass lookin Cobra!
  18. What difference does the side of town make? Polaris isn't exactly in the middle of C-bus either, but you get people there, "If you mark it they will come!" That or have multiple spots and change monthly. That way by the time the trash finds us we'll be gone. Shit the weather's only good enough for meets 6-7 months out of the year, how hard would it be to rotate between 2 or 3 spots. In July we meet ____ in August we meet____. Sure some people will still probably go to the old spot, but they'll catch on. But seriously We should find a spot then put the location on a treasure map with clues as to where it's at. Like "Where the wings are better but the boobs are smaller, I will meet Upper with you there" Rooster in Upper Arlington (Henderson rd)
  19. If it wasn't he probably would have gotten away and made the cops look bad. And we can't have that now can we...?
  20. Is that a pian in the ass? It just seems to me like it would be hard to always be stuck looking for 1 or 2 gas stations who sell E85.
  21. Welcome to CR! Very nice and clean car :thumbup: Do you race it any?
  22. FUCK!!! Where were you 2 weeks ago!? I just pick up an 09 Impreza then. Oh well, I still love the car.
  23. This thread is sad... Not because of the new guy, but because of the other failure in it. Like the double post above. Welcome anyway! Clean car, glad to see you know it’s limits.
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