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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. That's actually not a bad idea. If there's nothing else there, no where to work, no one living there, no businesses.... Why not tear all that shit down and live off the land.
  2. :confused: You guys do remember the previous squeals right...?
  3. I thought it was kind of cool actually!
  4. what, when he whips his dick out to nut on the pole?
  5. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lc0zpf0F4s1qc4debo1_500.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.urlesque.com/media/2010/05/haterbag.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.urlesque.com/media/2010/05/haterwashington.jpg http://www.sadanduseless.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/1104.jpg
  6. http://s2.b3ta.com/host/creative/5931/1260881965/toilet.jpg :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0-lkl9TzsU&feature=player_embedded http://i.imgur.com/IfkQh.gif
  7. http://i.imgur.com/XmtDx.png http://i.imgur.com/EA4fk.png
  8. http://www.thrillist.com/pics/broomrape.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vNpqh.gif http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs243.snc4/39510_417673063213_580943213_4884720_5756053_n.jpg http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg100/piszczel/funny/1220543870255.jpg
  9. http://www.gifbin.com/bin/052010/1274879002_wheelchair-back-flip-jump.gif http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anLS-sekbQQ&feature=player_embedded http://epicfailwin.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Tattoo-Fail.jpg http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/7299/monkeys.gif http://forum.grasscity.com/photopost/data/3090/perception.jpg
  10. http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s45/eclipse100000/anarnia.jpg http://failfun.com/wp-content/uploads/QSTEg.jpg http://img20.mediafire.com/3c38eb1603a6513eb4da7a9dfb2620304g.jpg
  11. Awesome! :thumbup: I took a week long road trip and had a blast, couldn't imagine a 5 1/2 month version. So what was THE highlight of the rip?
  12. Main3s

    Epic posts

    Search for "Douche Canoe" turned up 2 pages worth of threads.... Why does that not surprise me. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63210&highlight=Douche+Canoe
  13. - Not Brian makes me - Paula Dean is a necessary evil to CR - The Ginger is way UNDER Rated - Wagner post some of the best track videos - Linn posts some of the best NWS material - And Howard is Motherfuckin rock star!! As for the rest of you people... well I have no complaints, I actually like CR and don't come on here to bitch about much of anything.
  14. http://i48.tinypic.com/2gtt7rt.jpg http://media.fukung.net/images/2193/1169744852981.gif http://i.imgur.com/HiYrh.jpg
  15. http://i48.tinypic.com/2gtt7rt.jpg
  16. Keanu Reeves breast feeding a baby .... Real chill.
  17. I got hella lean of dat drink and dro list nigh. Death Star and Sizzurp FTW! :bangbang:
  18. http://wallbase1.net/thumbs/rozne/thumb-711339.jpg
  19. No pics of my actual cars... but for affect here they are... 85 Carola - First car paid $1000 back in 99' and drove it for another 4 years. http://www.waukeganautoauction.com/resize.asp?image=43066.jpg&size=640 Then a 95 Mazda 626... http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:0vYx4GZy-Kh8zM:http://www.furqanshop.com/images/mazda626/images/mazda_jazz_032.jpg&t=1
  20. Main3s

    Sex Rules.

    Girls like to complain, guys like to put their hand on your head while youre going down. It also prevents us from clapping, snapping our fingers if we get bored, and making the "touchdown" signal. nice
  21. Main3s


    Some more good ones...
  22. Main3s


    Bouncy and Fun! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImHMpnKLpFY&feature=related
  23. Well one thing that you have to remember is that it's family. To some people that doesn't mean much but to other it's important. I can't see turning my back on a relative (especially my immediate family). My sister for example sounds a lot like your brother in that they both expect people to help them and if they don't then we're shit because we didn't help. I let her live with me for almost a year (she said it was only gonna be 3 months) but as soon as I asked her to start looking for a place she went crazy on me and told me that I was shit for "kicking her out". Anyway... not to get into the details of my family issues but I hate drama too. So I figured out how much I was willing to put up with. I'll still talk to her but I'm not busting my ass or putting myself out there anymore to help her that's for sure. You can still be there without getting shit on too much. good luck though.
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