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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. ^^^ It's NOT insurance! Its a service fee from the neighboring towns Fire Dept. So if no one paid that fee you mean to tell me that the town wouldn't have a fire dept?
  2. Kind of though that too, but why would a vac leak cause a miss-fire only at certain speeds or RPM's? I'm going to double check them this weekend just in case... I feel like Dr House working on this damn thing. It's a mystery. I'll run more tests then some more, only to find out that it's some off the wall bull shit. If it wasn't my car this may actually be fun Thanks again.
  3. No I didn't read it. I'm not dumb enough to actual believe that they would intentional let someone taped inside the house die. I was just trying to make an exaggerated point.
  4. I guess what rubs me the wrong way about this is that we've stopped treating each other like people and started treating each other like a business obligation. A person lost their home and everything in it. Meanwhile there were people there who could have stopped it from happening but because of a minimal fee they let it burn to the ground... Principals huh... sounds like the type of people I want to be around
  5. And for the record I agree with the comment about peoples sense of entitlement. Too many people these days want to pass the buck and put their responsibilities onto someone else which I don't agree with. But to compare this to car insurance or an electric bill is like comparing apples to baseballs. Yeah they're both round but that's where the comparison ends. I don't know how much it cost to put out fires but like someone said $75 probably doesn't cover shit to put that fire out. But that's exactly my point! Why ruin/ put peoples lives at risk because you couldn't collect 5% (just a guess) of the cost up front. Hell charge him $150 after the fact but don't just stand there and watch.
  6. I understand the fee and the reason behind it. It is another town offering the service. But we're not talking about a cell phone or cable. We're talking about a house fire, a very serious situation. It sounds like a rural location and if the neighbors house was in danger imagine if it got hot enough to blow a gas tank? IMO they're putting people lives in danger over a $75 dollar fee and the fact they showed up just to stand there... I mean WTF? So if there were people trapped inside the Fire dept isn't responsible, they can just show up and watch. A mans home, his memories and all of he personal possessions are now chard ash because of some bull shit fee. While the fire dept just stood there. How people can justify that over $75 is beyond me.
  7. I don't know man... They let the guys house burn to the ground. They were out front with the hoses ready. Hell they helped his neighbor when he called because the flames were too close to his house. That's crazy! It's bad enough that this guy lost everything he owned over a $75 fee.
  8. Well I started small and replaced the plugs and wires last night but the miss-fire is still there. I think my next approach will be to check the injectors. That could explain the lean condition AND the miss.
  9. So a Fire dept in Tennessee let this guys house burn to the ground all because he didn't pay a $75 annual fee up front... http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20101005/pl_yblog_upshot/rural-tennessee-fire-sparks-conservative-ideological-debate I thought things like Fire and Police were part of paying taxes
  10. Oh and the misfire isn't there long enough to set a check engine light.
  11. Okay, so I scanned the car (couldn't record the scan because I just took it to shop and used the TechII they had). Anyway right before it gets sluggish around 45mph, I get multiple misfires in cylinders 1,3 and 5. But once you get on the throttle the misfire goes away The problem seems to go away under full throttle or at least it gets a LOT better. WFT? I'm going to check the coils and plugs to see if there may be an issue there.
  12. I would own a gun if there were goat sized spiders running around! Fuck. That.
  13. You hate spiders (63 times I believe) Yet you were still able to take glamor shots of it.
  14. Yep, the trims are all over the place most of the time they're at +16 (lean if I'm not mistaken) I'll check the MAF hertz too, what should they be at? Thanks for the help. :thumbup:
  15. I sure hope it's not a fucking wiring issue I just replaced the entire wiring harness about a year and a half ago. I have an SLP cat back that's been on the car for about 3 years with no issues. I think my next step may be just to replace the MAF.
  16. I'm having a reoccurring issue with my GTP. I keep getting a bad 02 trouble code along with a "System too lean (bank 1)". It causes the car to... lag (for lack of a better word), almost like a misfire or if you were to shift too early and end up in too high of a gear. But I don't get a misfire code. I've also noticed that it's pulling timing under partial throttle. I'll get 2-5* of knock just under light acceleration. There are a few mods on the car but I'm not running any extra boost. I've changed the 02 sensor (twice) and cleaned the MAF. I checked for vac leaks (just sprayed break cleaner around the intake and the vac lines) and even tried Sea-foam to clean it out. But its still acts up. Any suggestions on which direction I should head next? It seems to be happening more often now. TIA!
  17. Kind of what I was thinking too. It's a unique project... I guess I just don't see the big advantage (if any). But hey more power to the guy. He made it work.
  18. http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m36/InfoLandsknecht/Macros/internet_serious_mf_business.jpg
  19. Main3s


    The video is actually done really well. I'm impressed.
  20. He has a brother named Jason...
  21. Off Topic, but do you know a Paul Thompson by chance? He's going to OSU for the same degree and I'm pretty sure he's graduating soon (Nov/ Dec).
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