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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Main3s


    I give up trying to figure her out. 6 years and I still find myslef scratching my head at times. It's just so random, and a lot of the time it end up being, "I'm sorry, I scheduled work and forgot it was V-Day and was just upset" Which I can understand, but why not just say that? Why make me seem like a dick becaue you did something worng? Oh well.
  2. Main3s


    She gets like this everynow and then. Like 2 weeks ago it was perfect. I'd go play hockey while she went shopping with her friends, then we'd meet up after whith our "couple" friends. I'd drink, but out of respect for her didn't get hammered. Saturday we'd sleep in, then just hang out. I love hanging out with her and shes so cool at times. But then something, what that something was I have no clue, happened and she would just start picking at me and would go down hill. I think I started giving her too much attention and she got greedy.
  3. Main3s


    :funny: We've been together 6 years!
  4. Main3s

    My PC > yours .

    Warm... Warmer... Jackpot!!
  5. Main3s


    (For people with long(er) term relationships) Are almost not worth the fucking hassle at times! Saturday is Valentines Day and my G/F has to work from 8:00-1:00. So while she’s at work I’m going to the gym for a few hours. But apparently because I’m going to the gym on Valentines Day I’m choosing the gym over her!? WTF, bitch you’re working!!! Well she’s also pet/ house sitting for a doctor in Powell, so right after work she’s going to stay at this doctor’s house for an hour or so and take care of their dogs. So because she volunteered to work and house sit on Valentines Day I’m not suppose to do nothing but sit around and wait for her? Seriously women WTF goes through your crazy ass head at times? So I asked her, well what do YOU want to do? Guess what her response was guys…..You got it… “well I don’t know…” GREAT! So make me feel like shit for knowing what I want to do while you’re at work and because you don’t know, I’m a fuck jerk. I told her, I’ll meet up with her or when she gets home well do something, but that wasn’t good enough. Then she hangs up on me. So I’m an ass hole right… But here’s the kicker, I went to the Columbus Fish market (she likes that place) and asked to speak to the chef (I have a friend who is a server there)and got the recipe for her favorite meal from there. Shit I even got to watch him make half of it. Went to Whole Foods (they have the best quality food that I know of) bought all the ingredients, cleared out all the beer in my beer fridge and stored them in there. Went out and bought some stupid chick flick that she wanted to see. So I had planned to make this nice meal and sit through a chick flick. But apparently because I’m going to box while she works I’m an ass... now I could care less if I even spend and god damn minute with her tomorrow! P.S. This is a rant , so theses are not my “real” feelings towards my G/F. Just my angry feelings.
  6. I was on the news twice, once just walking through the backround. The one time was pretty much in my back yard when I was 15. Some girl was murdered, stabed like 23 times, under an overpass out east by Sutton Square Apts off Livingston and Dundee. I just walked behind the news lady durring the taping. The other time was at my DARE graduation and channel 10 was there.
  7. What elementary shcool did you go to?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd4jRk1Pncg&feature=PlayList&p=A1B42C2BD59F71A9&playnext=1&index=15
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8z6rAll-Jc
  10. The editing was great, the S5 at 1:53 was the best car IMO. Most of the other wheel and color combos were ugly IMO, but hey maybe it's a VW thang? Oh and the "House" music at the end was cool.
  11. i·ro·ny Irony -Based on using words to suggest the opposite of their literal meaning. It's becasue of "poltics" that were fucked! When will the cycle stop!?
  12. Sorry about that. I guess I should have told you before we.... ah..... well....you know, anyway, sorry again.
  13. This is much better! http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1897842/
  14. In responce to the kid at the dentist "Not stick that in your vent chad!"
  15. Once you get it all finished maybe throw up some side by side before and after shots. Right now, to me anyway, I don't see the big deal. But I'm waiting until I can really appericate it. Cool story about how it all came together too!
  16. But Srsly, I don't have anything to add about the novel, but that does look like a good movie.
  17. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y279/crystalcove/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzI_Love_Lamp.jpg
  18. Edit: You said punching was wrong... Look, I can't pretend that I know what police have to go through dealing with potentially dangerous idiots on a regular basis. But at the same time they should know when enough is enough. How many videos have we seen on CR alone that show police using excessive force? I know personally if some idiot made me chase him down, then tried punching me after he broke the law, I’d want/ probably try and beat his fucking ass! But that’s why I’m not a cop and have no desire to become one. We don’t know what happened 8 minutes before, but regardless, look at what you do know happened and tell me that it was necessary to punch the guy in the face like that? Sure it looked like he was being a pain in the ass, but where is the responsibility of the police to exercise control? I feel that with greater power comes greater responsibility and that police need to be held to higher standards while on the job. What other job can you have where you can beat someone’s ass for what ever reason you feel is “necessary” at the time and get a paid vacation while other officers look into it? Again, I understand that they have to deal with all types of people, but that’s part of the job. Something they opted to do on their own. We shouldn’t excuse them from doing wrong because of their carrier choice.
  19. Given up on the 3800 I see. Can't say I blame you, good motors but not really made for speed/ HP. Good luck!
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