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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. All right, guys, there was no sonic boom. The sound you heard was swamp gas from a weather balloon that was trapped in a thermal pocket and exploded....BTW did you ever flashy-thing me?
  2. I love sales men... Salesman:http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/clown.gif "This is top of the line meat!, $200 for 15 steaks" Me: "No thanks" Salesman:http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/clown.gif "Come on man. you like steak right...I'll hook you up. $75.00 for 10 steaks top of the line!" Me: "Look man I'm sure their top of the line, I just don't wnat your steaks" Salesman:http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/clown.gif "You seem like a good guy. $40 for 15 steaks" Me: "Look I already told you no! If their so god damn top of the line why are you begging me to by them out of the back of your truck!? Now get the fuck off mt porch" After that I put up a no soliciting sign.
  3. Truth, when I lived at my old apts there were people that would do the same thing. Knock on the door at random hours if no one answered break in time. The apt complex put out a flyer to everyone telling them to answer their doors. Hahah fucking idiots, I moved about 2 months after. So I guess there is some reasoning behind him being shook up about this.
  4. :thumbup: That's what I’m talkin about! The thing that I've found to be a PITA is that I have a Creative Zen Mp3 player NOT and iPod. And so many of the transmitters require an iPod or you have to buy a special cord/cable that cost 3 times as much to make it work for another type of Mp3 player. BTW, Nice set up Tim!
  5. Looks good mang! When you get everything back together I would mind seeing pics of the entire car. Do you have any personal goals for this beast?
  6. Great pics, the one where he's "helping" with the suspension install is great! He's got his arms all dirty and the socket in there doin' work.
  7. I see whats going on here...or do I?
  8. Oh, and thanks for the tips so far.
  9. So basically it soulds like there arent many "indash' units out...? I'll check out that USASpec site. Do any of you have an Mp3 set up?
  10. Humm, if you were to ask me a few years ago I could have sworn that MY GTP was the most ticketed.
  11. I see what you did there.
  12. Does anyone have a good recommendation for a MP3 player for your car? Brand, type, where to buy? I’m sick and tired of CD’s and radio.
  13. I wouldn't say the brand need to go under, but the people running it need to loose their jobs. That might actually revive some of their “image”. Kind of like shitty apartments do, when they re-name them and put up a sign "Under New Management" after a murder or after the cops have been called 20 times in a week. They have some potentially great cars and some iconic ones as well. That article made some good points and if you look at the years there were makes and models that were failures at the same time. They had overlapping failure since the late 70’s. haha, but if GM is smart they can really use this. I think to a certain extent the American people are pulling for them to get their shit together (or at least I am). If GM can convince the public that they deserve to stay by making smart decisions with the cars they produce, and how they run their business, I think people will go back to them. I know if I saw some of the top executives bring in new people, apologize, or hell even step down I’d look at that a plus.
  14. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=43215&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.29802,56.25&ie=UTF8&ll=39.951093,-82.995642&spn=0,359.999142&t=h&z=20&cbll=39.950869,-82.995747&panoid=kAepnmnsz-vz8qsoLX4i0w&cbp=12,285.740433862583,,0,5&pw=2
  15. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh195/mz_shayna/staypuft-marshmallow-man.jpg
  16. I used Google Earth the other day for work and was quite proud of myself. I work for the Columbus Dispatch and I had to map some of our outdoor newspaper racks so we could re-route them. Well the addresses that I had said “Rack at corner of _____ st & _____ st”, but in order to map them for routing I needed to know what corner NW, SE, etc.. Everyone thought it was going to be a week long job trying to figure out what corner the racks were on saying that I'd probably have to drive all the routes to find out and that it was going to put this behind schedule yadda yadda man this sucks. So I got to thinking if only there was a way to see all the street corners without having to drive there. Then it hit me, I pulled up Google earth, typed in the intersection went to street view and BAM!!! you could see the rack perfectly, down to the Dispatch logo. It took me about an hour to locate 100 some racks, it was great. I went back to our routing guy laid the info on his desk and when I told him how I did it he about crapped his pants! I have to admit technology is fucking awesome!
  17. Main3s

    No accident club

    I'm good! Never been in an accident, the cloest thing I had was someone bumped into my car while in the parking lot at my old apt. It didn't do any damage other then that...I've broken down on the side of the road several times.
  18. 17/20 Missed the olds, B.M.W and highest selling car of all time. The tag lines were easy if you just didn't think about it.
  19. Today, my mom slept all day. But when she got out of bed for five minutes, she told me I was a worthless piece of shit. Then she proceeded to do nothing, and went back to bed. FML ^^ This could be me
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