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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Whatever happened to the talks about turning old Coopers Stadium into a track? If that happened I don't think trails would last that much longer. But yeah, trails could use an update.
  2. Maybe a DJ at the Dyno will help my numbers? We also need a ring girl to post them up. :grin2:
  3. I'll 3rd the Trans-Go kit. A buddy of mine put one in his Z28 last summer and loved it. I've heard nothing but good things about them.
  4. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/lurk.gif
  5. Interesting...even at $1800 a year it's only about $150 a month so I'd say that's fair given what most apts charge. I guess the next question would be where is it located?
  6. Don't forget the nutsack!
  7. You have to own this movie.... And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom! (And if you don't know the quote you're not a man!) You've had to hit a home run in a Baseball (or I guess softball) game. You've had to of been in at least 1 fist fight (and not on the playground). You've had to of had sex in public place with a women. (I felt it necessary to say women becasue gays don't count) You've had to have gone camping...IN A TENT... and at least 5 miles from some sort of modern convience. And...Well...You've had to cry, and let someone see it. Oh and finally you're only a real man if you've actually done the things you've posted...:bangbang:
  8. Welcome impressive car!
  9. X2 especially on a classy ride like that.
  10. Nice work on the holder, and it sounds like you have a pretty bad ass set up there.
  11. Main3s

    OSU vs. Texas

    That's a good point. If they had to loose, I'm glad it was in a close game and not another thrashing.
  12. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3216/3101150660_0f89af92ab.jpg?v=0 You Will Be Missed?
  13. Aww, fuck it whatevere ... I'm so lost.
  14. Yes I for realz don’t get it.. Please enlighten me, I understand the title is RIP Tom Cruise and that the picture is clearly Gary Busey, but I don’t see how that equals funny…And I often get your humor...but...well not this time. R.I.P RIP Threads
  15. My boxer was the same way. I'd leave him in the kitchen and he would get on the counter and eat paper towels, cook books. So then I started leaving him in his cage but he would just eat his blankets. So finally (and I feel kind of stupid about this) we started leaving him out with chew toys. I left him with 3 Nyla-bones and 2 hard regular bones and a big rope bone. Now when he's loose he has his own shit to tear up. Every now and then he'll get a magnet off the fridge (yeah, how random is that) and chew it up. But giving him lots of toy options has helped. Good luck!
  16. It looks like the next game may be in another week or so...People need time to recover from injuries. We had 2 broken ribs, a blown knee and some dude pulled a hammy. Shits fo real son! With that being said, if anyone wants to organize a game sooner, I'd be down to play again.
  17. True! EVERYONE!!! PRYOR IS A TRUE FRESHMAN!!!! He played pretty good, he threw some bad (short) passes but he also mad a few big plays to keep drives alive and didn't make stupid mistakes that cost the game. I think he played as good as any true freshman could have played in a game like that.
  18. Main3s

    OSU vs. Texas

    Here we go again...Do the buckeyes even have recievers?
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