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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. WTF does everyone on CR work at the same place? It seems Verizon and Easton employ’s CR. I'm lonely, if only I knew someone who could blow me…
  2. I really doubt that would be the case. 1. Who would drive a truck for $5.00 an hour? 2. Even if you found some one who really needed work and would do it for $5.00 an hour the quality would suck. Leading to 3, the truck company would suck and eventually go under because of half ass workers. You can cut and cut to save money, but any smart business knows it’s a balance of cost and quality. And please if you don’t mind (and I’m really not trying to be a dick) explain to me how unions are good to have in today’s business world? You’re saying to do our homework, but please share with us why they are still good? I’m open to seeing both side of it. I deal with a union and it’s ridiculous. I watch people stand and do 1 thing for hours and get paid $25-$30 an hour to do something a 12 year old could do. They are so focused on their 1 job that they don’t care about the big picture and what needs to be done for the greater good of a successful business. If it takes them overtime, even better, because now they get $65-$75 an hour and I get to hear them brag about it. I really feel (from my experience) that the union is concerned more about themselves then the company and that’s not good business. You need to have people that work with/ for the company rather then against it. Again this is my experience and I’d love to see the other side of it, maybe then I wouldn’t feel like I’m getting fucked every time I deal with them.
  3. Nice work GM!!! No wonder their company fucking sucks!
  4. Oh, and did anyone else catch the guys name who wrote this..."Chip Brown"
  5. If I'm at work and have to take a dump I wait till I'm prerry dogging. You know, when the shit is poken in and out of your hole. Anyway, this means that as soon as I hit the terlit seat I'm ready for launch. I don't call that "the move" but it works.
  6. http://doitbig.org/coltboostin/pics/Metro/DSC02486.JPG And glad to see you do some yard work. Last pic of this it was gettin eatin by vines.
  7. Srsly, If you made any one of those put out 500 WHP you'd be my hero. And in all honsty....WHY? Wouldn't you want something that looks good or at least decent too, or is all about the speed? I can respect that but damn, I'd fucking hate to get beat by any of them . Oh and I'd go with the Fuzion.
  8. ^^ Fine by me. Just don't half ass it, I want something with at LEAST 50 hp fucking up my shit. I'm not even going to lie though, I've down a few in my drive way too. haha, just not that good.
  9. Burnouts in the Drive Way.... http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c343/grandmastersnake/bcb40da8.jpg
  10. I gave birth to food baby this morning. It too was a 1 wiper, I call that a clean catch.
  11. I saw one of these over the summer. They are CRAZY in person. Pictures don't do some cars justice.
  12. Video and Shots of the car before the Dyno Run http://www.intense-racing.com/movies/Scott_Cook_G8_Dyno_723whp.wmv
  13. I prefer the handicap stalls myslef. Not only is there more room, but they have their own sing too. You could camp in one of those all day!
  14. You're right I'm hung like a light switch. Sometimes I even pee on my own balls
  15. Why the fuck would you be taking your car to walmart for ANY repair!?
  16. So your car is part sunfire and part cavi...?
  17. I stand corrected.... Jerks!
  18. He's gettin fuck up son!!!! http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj85/MizzEffie09/MacaulayCulkin.jpg
  19. WOW. I'm totaly voting now, Thanks!!!! at 3:20
  20. It's got to be a chick. When was the last time you heard a guy call another guy a jerk?
  21. Or you could learn how to pee like a big boy! I keeed I keeed. I've had the sink problem, but when I get the drip problem it just looks like my knee wet.
  22. No I don't think it was a dirty hit at all. And it really sucks for the Pats (they're still a good team). I'm just saying instead of staying in late in the 4th qtr a few games last year running up the score and padding your stats. Maybe they could have put Cassel in and got him some game practice. I just think if the games in the bag why risk an unnecessary injury to your starting QB and why not give the back up some playing time. I don’t know if that’s superstition or just a bad judgment call. They got lucky that nothing happened last year, but think about the learning curve that wouldn’t be as big this year for Matt Cassel if he had a few games under his belt.
  23. Who hasn't built a lambo in their basement Actually, that's bad ass. A hand made lambo! Fuck, lamborghini doesn't even hand make the car (at least not all of it). Hats off to that guy!!!
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