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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. I'm not a gun crew guy, but after seeing a few of these, I'm impressed. Nice collections!
  2. Congrats! Was that with the spray or without?
  3. "Maaa, where's my muscle milk!"
  4. Main3s


    That might not be such a great idea... If it were my ex, the hook up would be getting charged double. Bad break ups FTMFL!
  5. Ever buy from this place?
  6. I'm sure you will, but it took N20 to finally do it.
  7. Main3s


    No but then you can pretend it's a 3 some.
  8. What I find most entertaining is that theres a point on the graph, where it doesn't matter how much city BBQ kenny has...He still hates cops.
  9. Yeah, the 7 days to pay a ticket is crap and if you go to court it's in the middle of a week day so you have to take time off of work to go get a payment extension which is time and money from you going there for something that you’re going to have to pay on regardless. I just think the way the system is set up isn’t to really help people or try and improve safety. But because we broke the law by speeding, we’re just as bad as any other “criminal” with no rights. But wait, you have rights you can fight it right…SURE if you want to pay the crap load of money for an attorney and waist your original time at court, then have to go back again later and waist more time maybe win, then pay court fees and the lawyer and your still worse off then you would have been if you had just paid the ticket, so it’s a designed flaw to make profit, not to help like it should be. We get taxed on income and everything we buy, why do we have to keep paying for a service that doesn’t keep us in mind And yes 33 in freaking 25 AT 4:30am. The reason.. “people jog around here and you could hit someone” mid you this was on Avery Rd in Dublin which is 2 lanes each way at 4:30 in the morning…. Come on, tell that was a real safety issue.
  10. Oh and I'm sorry but I really think the police dept is worthless...I take that back, not completely worthless but very very close. I'm not some rebel that's been arrested multiple times or gets tickets every month but when was the last time you called the cops and got help!? Seriously, I've called them before for domestic violence on my neighbor but they come about 45 minutes AFTRER the shit was over with. Someone stole from you, oh, too bad they'll look into it but good luck with that. I've never felt safer with police around, But sure as shit if you’re going 33 in a 25 at 4:30 am and they catch you, your ass in paying the price. I personally don’t fell that they do much “serving and protecting”. I think they’re just a business looking to make a buck on the people.
  11. That shit pisses me off too. They want to charge you out the ass, then they don't even make it easy to pay so that they can charge you late fees. You better get it fixed soon though, I waited to fix the same shit on my last ticket and they suspended my DL. $120 ticket + $30.00 late free, + $60.00 Court cost + $25.00 license renewal= $235.00 worth of Bullshit!!!! And don't give me that "well you should speed". No kidding, but there’s no reason they need to make you jump through hoops to get the shit fixed either. Oh' not to mention, they don't help you get it fixed in any efficient manner, they just assume everyone is a god damn expert on paying speeding tickets and know the best way to avoid all the fees and shit.... /Rant
  12. Main3s


    SHIT!!! MEGAN FOX was at a bar downtown!!! Where and when!!!!
  13. Main3s


    ^^^ That makes no sense.
  14. We're talkin wings in this thread... please leave
  15. Is this how you get started Kayaking? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9lUK6kpB9k
  16. Yeah, it's fucked up becasue it looks like the kid on the phone is handicapped...But he got knocked the fuck out.
  17. WOW Congratz!!! I hate scammers. A lot of the time it's hard to get anything done on the legal end, glad to see someone finally stuck it to the mother fucker. Do you get to see him in court. I'd make it a point to let him know you were the one that busted his ass.
  18. This story is amazing! The best part..."Open headers in a basement, no matter how ready you are for it, will catch you off guard."
  19. QSL= 1 BW#'s = 2 Roosters = 3 Winking Lizard= 1,000,000,000 :barf: Not really what this thread was about, but yeah that sucks about BW3's. I've either had great service there and shitty food, or shitty service and great food, but never both.
  20. Was that kid at Westland Mall over the weekend?
  21. Sorry about that Just a man and his best friend.
  22. Probably :nws: :nws: :nws: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . http://www.theforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=993770&d=1198294766 Um No, you are not allowed to hot link shit like this. Only warning -SpaceGhost
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