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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. LOL. I can't remember when I WASN'T in this club. Bad vavle body.
  2. Main3s

    Greg Oden

    I hope so. He seems like he really wants it. He's been handeling his injury the right way and practicing when he can. I'd like to see him put up some good numbers this year.
  3. He wasn't exactly in the ring when he was throwing those and I don't thing anyone was watching his form there's a bit of a difference between someone in a ring fighting and someone on the street. One thing is for sure he knocked people out like he was a boxer.
  4. It has nothing to do with keeping teen drivers safe. It's all about selling cars to parents with teen drivers.
  5. My thinking is, that if you're that damn concerned that your kid is fucking up and you can't even trust them/ their judgment to let them borrow the car at that age. Why are you letting them behind the wheel in the first place? Now parents won’t stress the important facts about driving safely, they’ll put the responsibility on a god damn key.
  6. What are your thoughts? http://jalopnik.com/5059406/ford-nanny-key-for-teen-drivers-limits-vehicle-speed-radio-volume
  7. WTF do I get for helping this tool? Oh, and way to go from good Christian waiting to have sex, to some lame ass virgin fresh out of an American Pie movie.
  8. You fuck to the Bird!? Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow Ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
  9. Woooow that sucks. I agree, do your fucking home work before you have someone wood screw up your shit. LOL though, the screws onthe side skirts are great there's like 10-15 of them and they're not even with eachother. There is no way this is a real shop. this has to be some dumb fuck in his garage doing the "work".
  10. I hear that the bird is the word.
  11. Main3s

    Hang overs

    Myth Buster Hangovers. In an attempt to help my fellow CR members who suffer from bad hang overs. I'm on a mission to find out what hang over remedies work and which ones are busted. So I'm taking all of the advice in this thread and I'm going to try them all...Or as many as I can. So lets begin. Myth 1 PEDIALYTE I'm calling this Myth Plosiable. Last night I had several beers and a few jager bombs. When I arived home at around 1:45 am I was feeling pretty good. So I tried to drink the Pedialyte that I bought earlier in the day. I managed to drink the entire 1 qt bottle. I then tried to have sexy time with the GF and eventually gave up and baked a pizza. Falling asleep around 3:30 am. When I woke up this morning (around 10:30 am) I felt okay. A little dizy and the bright light took a minute to get use to, but all and all I felt a LOT better then I probably would have felt without it. The reason I'm not confirming this is that because of the horrible taste of the Pedialyte I had to chase it with several tall glasses of water, so I'm not 100% convinced it was all the Pedialyte. Add that to the fact that it's about $6.00 a bottle and taste like shit and I'd say that this shouldn't be your first choice in hangover prevention. But if you have a bottle lying around it can't hurt. Next time on Myth Busters Hangover, I think I'm going to try and dring about a 2 leiter of water before bed and see how that goes. Tune in next weekend.
  12. Main3s

    Hang overs

    Hay bitch you're only 20 what's this "I use to do" bull shit. You should still be drinking. No hard feelings, but srsly I'm leaving now!
  13. Main3s

    Hang overs

    Ooops I just counted the bottle caps in my pocket...It's actually 10 beers and that annoying song MIA paper plains is still fucking awesome when you're at Brothers druck a sshit and the ladys start rubbing their ass on you!!! LOL. Good fucking night.
  14. Main3s

    Hang overs

    Okay, so I had 10 beers and 5 jager bombs tonight and I'm going to try the pedialyte solution. I've got my big ass OSU cup full of water to see how I feel in the mornig. If this shit doesn't work....Well I'll probably just sleep all day. By the way the pedialyte taste like shit OMG it's fuckin nasty!!! But hey, gettin drunk and not having a hang over FTMFW!!! So wish me luck! I'll let you know how I feel when I wake up. Hahaha, I'll be kind of like the Myth Busters of hangovers. **Sober editing
  15. That sucks Good luck with everything. And I hope you catch the bastards.
  16. Got into it a bit last night with a pretty nice white C4 vette. Anybody on here? It had side pipe exhaust, some funky fog lights and aftermarket chrome wheels. We were on 670 W going onto 270 S around 8:30 last night. I got into it a bit, but my car isn't healthy now so I could go above 50% throttle without getting 4-5* of knock. So he pretty much owned me. I was very impressed with how he took the ramp from 670W to 270S, that fucker was GONE!!! I was embarrassed, I know when my car is 100% I could have probably beat him but he just raped me. Run what you brung I guess. I brought 50% and he destroyed me. But it was a very nice, clean and well put together C4 vette and I don't see many of those. So who ever it was nice car!
  17. Main3s


    God damn it! I got a speeding ticket. 51 in a 35 on Stringtown Rd. But apparently humor works with the cops. Officer- "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Me- "No sir." Officer- "You were speeding. What's the speed limit on Stringtown Rd?" Me- "How fast was I going?" Officer- "51." Me- "Well I'm guessing then the speed limit isn't 50." Office- "Ha-ha, any legal reason as to why you were speeding?" Me- "There's a legal reason to speed!?" Officer- "No" Me- "Damn, well then I guess not" Officer- "Any reason as to why you're not wearing a seat belt and you have illegal tint?" Me- "No, and I was unaware my tint was illegal, I'm pretty sure that's 50%." Officer- "Let's fine out" Me- "Please do, I would hate to knowingly break the law" Officer- "I tell you what, just sit tight, I'll be back" 5 minutes later I drive off with just a speeding ticket (only $125.00 ) The price doesn't upset me, and I was speeding. I was just disappointed because I haven't had a ticket in over 2 years and my record was almost back to 0 tickets... Oh well, could have been worse. At least the cop wasn't a prick, I got what I deserved. Just wanted to vent.
  18. You can always count on people looking for a quick buck to help rob a bank Very good thinking on behalf of the criminal.
  19. I'd still drive it. Right to the paint shop!
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