God damn it! I got a speeding ticket. 51 in a 35 on Stringtown Rd. But apparently humor works with the cops.
Officer- "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
Me- "No sir."
Officer- "You were speeding. What's the speed limit on Stringtown Rd?"
Me- "How fast was I going?"
Officer- "51."
Me- "Well I'm guessing then the speed limit isn't 50."
Office- "Ha-ha, any legal reason as to why you were speeding?"
Me- "There's a legal reason to speed!?"
Officer- "No"
Me- "Damn, well then I guess not"
Officer- "Any reason as to why you're not wearing a seat belt and you have illegal tint?"
Me- "No, and I was unaware my tint was illegal, I'm pretty sure that's 50%."
Officer- "Let's fine out"
Me- "Please do, I would hate to knowingly break the law"
Officer- "I tell you what, just sit tight, I'll be back"
5 minutes later I drive off with just a speeding ticket (only $125.00 ) The price doesn't upset me, and I was speeding. I was just disappointed because I haven't had a ticket in over 2 years and my record was almost back to 0 tickets... Oh well, could have been worse. At least the cop wasn't a prick, I got what I deserved. Just wanted to vent.