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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. I don't follow it much but from what I can see they need to call diving penalties on some of these players. Some act like they've been hit by a car, only to get up and walk away and keep playing 30 seconds later.
  2. maybe this spill was all part of a bigger conspiracy to create new jobs for those suffering from the economic failure. how do we know Obama didn't set the rig to blow so it would cause a giant disaster so we could charge BP to pay our national debt down and be forced to employ thousands of American for the clean-up effort
  3. I think it's funny that people applaud this guy because he's a " smart and determined business man" who built a one of a kind car... :jerkit: He has an ego. An ego that spent $350,000 on a ugly ass car that he doesn't even drive.


    Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the work and detail that went into the build. But to me it's just another guy with money giving us regular people something to talk about. :rolleyes:

  4. That is awesome. My boss pretty much does the same thing, just on a much smaller scale (lunches / golf / bonuses). Definately makes a difference in the mood of the office when your work doesnt go unnoticed.


    Its cool to see a much larger company doing it.... most seem to have greedy, corporate, 'your expendable' attitudes



    yep :(




    But that would be awesome. An ipod AND $10,000. Jesus... I wonder if the janitor got that too. lol

  5. I'm not a fan of soccer, but I can see the appeal. I think it doesn't do well here in America because there isn't enough stoppage in play for networks to run 20 beer commercials or 10 Pizza Hut commercials.


    I think that if MLS was broadcasted and covered like other sports that it would be popular in the U.S. maybe not like it is in Brazil or England but there are quite a few soccer fans.

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