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Posts posted by Main3s
















  2. yea it is....better man the harpoons huh?






    i would do unspeakable things to her.

  3. I disagree. Shoving my manhood through the flab of a womans ass or thighs to hit the prized love-diamond isn't my cup of tea. I also like to not having my my head crushed, ribs broken or my face engulfed as if it was being sat on by a tub of silly putty. I like snorkeling without having to actually dawn the gear.



    I think you're thining more of this....






    Where Brian and most others are thinking more of this...





  4. i hate the pens, more than the sens.


    :nono: I use to like you. :p



    I was happy to see Washington get knocked out and it was a good game no less. The top 3 teams in the east lost in the 1st round Jersey, Washington and Boston. I'd love to see the Pens go for a 3rd straight year, but that's a LOT to live up to.... I'm going with Pittsburgh in the East and Vancoover from the west.

  5. Politicians should focus on balancing budgets, and making life better for its citizens. I would like to see the raw monetary numbers of what kind of state savings they incur from doing away with tests in multiple languages. Is it the print cost ? Why not use computer stations programmed in multiple languages ? I know immigrants who speak English well enough, but aren't as efficient reading/writing. Its sad people will gob onto such hackneyed one liners and take that as a useful platform for leadership.


    I can't + rep you anymore, but if I could I would. I agree 100000%.


    I do find it slightly annoying sometimes when I go to talk with people and they can't speak English. I personally feel that if someone chooses to go live in another country they should at least make an attempt to learn the language. I would hold myself to the same standards.


    But for an elected official to use such statements as a way to attract voters is just feeding into narrow minded individuals. Which IMO are worse for this country then people who can't understand the language.

  6. Since I assume it was a typo and you meant to type "willing to bet," you would lose that bet.


    There was a stat during the Olympics that like 9 out of every 10 Canadians play hockey....Then you have the other countries like Russia, and the chezk republic where Hockey is huge too.



    But baseball is big in China so who knows!? I think no matter the outcome of this people would be surprised with the results.

  7. Give fake info?


    You guys go right ahead, send him cockpics, whatev I dont care.


    This is to notify you that I will pay you for your SERVICES but first there are some security issues below:


    It shows the your fake cockpics are worth the tune of US$1, 500,000.00 USD.


    Also for you to send fake cockpics to Spain, a Duly Sworn Affidavit from Spanish High Court which will back up the Origin of Fund. This is in line with the Anti-Terrorist Campaign which the USA Government has embarked on recently to protect our Territory from future attacks. You should therefore contact the sender of the cock pics or the ACS cockpic Agent in Madrid Spain to get the Sworn Affidavit for you while we wait to receive fake cockpics from you the Affidavit File Number to enable us forward your cockpics to your address.


    Below is his contact information. Note that the cost of the Affidavit is $125 and do not hesitate to remit the amount to him.


    Name: Mr. Mike Spence

    Email address: williamgilligan@rediffmail.com

    Tel: +34 672 593928



    We shall then forward the cockpics to the sender. We are doing this for your interest considering the rate which fraudulent and stolen cockpics are been sent to our innocent citizen that most times put them in problem.


    your urgent action on this notice will be appreciated.






    Chief Postal Inspection Service

  8. I agree that he has used bad judgment but the issue is that he has NOT been convicted, hell he hasn't even been charged in the second claim. Aren’t you supposed to be innocent until proven guilty!? And is it really that hard to believe that some drunken gold digger saw an opportunity to take advantage of a situation? I think the fact that he is being suspended for 6 games WITHOUT PAY for nothing other then accusations is tough. Again, bad decisions bad actions yeah, but that doesn’t mean he has or has not raped women.


    And everyone wants to say that Michael Vick was put in jail because of the animal cruelty. Don't let the media confuse you my friend, the poor dogs may have gotten the headlines but the real crime was that he was housing/ running an illegal gambling ring as well as lying in court and failing to cooperate with authorities. THAT’S why he was in jail, not just because of the way he killed dogs.


    So your title should be Lying Under oath and being the syndicate of a gambling ring >Sexual Assault Accusations?















    By the way, I love your bike!

  9. dont get me wrong the creator of this forum is genius but i know theres more gearheads in central ohio than whats on this forum im not saying advertise or nothin but more members would help the tech and for sale sections excel greatly does anyone agree? even though we get the occasional asshole that just wants to fuck off and talk shit moderators do a good job of keeping them away.. i would just like to see all of us get the best we can out of this forum thats all. mabe im just not picking up all the forums or somthin on my searches idk.


    I see your point but CR isn't for everyone it's that simple! Are their more like minded people out there who are into cars, own shops, race cars, or who can help contribute in some way? Sure, but the bottom line is that not everyone is into car forums and the internets. Some people can't take the silly shit that goes on either. I can't say I blame them but then again, just ignore it. I take what I can from the forum and enjoy it for what it is and who the members are. I’m a car guy so I know other car guys and shops that are not on here. If CR can’t help me I go somewhere else.

  10. The NHL Playoffs are one the best things about sports. I know people who are not fans or who don't fully understand the game may have a hard time understanding that. But just watch, then fans and the players are crazy. They say the best thing about football is that after every snap of the ball something amazing might happen... Well the same goes for playoff hockey! Only as soon as the puck drops there is non-stop potential, a big hit that breaks the glass, a huge save, a goal, or even a very close but no goal shot, the fights, the drama, the scuffles after the puck is stopped, the way the team looks after each other... So many things and at such a high pace make it much more enjoyable then the stop and go of other major sport. Of course this is just my opinion so I’ll continue to enjoy the NHL playoffs!



    AND GO PENS!!!!!!

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