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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. by my sv650..

    great running bike, great bike for a beginner, and its alot of fun.


    its in the for sale section


    not to much more in price than that korean thing you found.


    I know, I've seen it there and for the price and maintenance it's a really good deal. I do like it, I'm still in the shopping around stage though. :D If it’s still available when I’m ready to buy in early June I’ll let you know.

  2. That's not even a Kia, it's a Lada. But for $1850 it looks like a nice learners bike. You can buy a gently used Ninja 250 for that price too.


    Hahah, yeah that's what I thought. But it's cheap and looks pretty damn good actualy. I'm just thinking re-sale. I know there's always a decent market for beginner bikes, I had just never heard of this company. Buy it this year for $1800 sell it next year for $800. :( At least the Ninjas hold their value I've seen a few nice ninjas on OhioRiders. Not sure if I want to go with a 250 or not. I guess a first bike is a first bike.

  3. Look I'm no criminal, but I have "broken the law". I speed probably weekly, hell this morning I was doing 75 in a 65 and if I were to get pulled over for it, I would pay the ticket and move on. But what make this such a great country is that I have the freedom to speed. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!


    Hell, if all this was about was to help cut down on speeders, why not just set the speed governor to 70 MPH in cars. After all, if you ever go above 70 you're speeding and breaking the law. So if you're against that idea, then you must support illegal activity!



    How many of you have gone and bought fireworks then signed the piece of paper saying that you're taking them out of state, only to drive 30 minutes back home and set them off in your residential neighborhood? You fuckin criminals you just broke the law! What’s wrong with you?

  4. I’m against it 100%. It's all BS IMO. Saying that it’s for use to help find criminals like drug dealers, murders, rapists etc. is just to scare people into thinning its okay. I know some good could come of it and it’s nice to think that with just a little technology we could crack down on crime and get rid of the “bad guys”, but I also know that bad will come of it too. Law enforcement is just another business looking to make a profit. It’s not going to catch and rid Columbus of robbers and criminals but it will generate income for the city when they start handing out traffic violations for failing to stop completely before making a right hand turn on red. You get a $120 speeding ticket because some ass hole cut you off so you buzz around him at 65 in 35 mph zone. Did you break the law? Yes, does it make you a criminal? Fuck no, it happens and most people have done it. “Oh but it’s just for catching the bad guys who rob and kill people” :rolleyes: don’t be so naïve. It takes one court case to rule that breaking the law is breaking the law and if a car thief can be caught using the cameras, then they shouldn’t turn a blind eye to “reckless driving” or illegal parking.


    Everything evolves into something else. Let’s allow cameras on our city streets, now lets allow cameras in any section 8 or government funded housing. Think of all the crack heads and domestic violence we could get ride of! If you say no to this idea, you’re some hippy who supports crack heads, domestic violence, thieves and other criminals! Ummm, no. I handle my own business I don’t need the police or government to step in and take care of me…

  5. An one last thing the kid talks about how much he likes to race his car .... but all he does is "street" race.. I can understand being slow an just wanting to race but goodlord man go to the track events or something an stay off the street.


    Why!? It's not like he's going fast enough to hurt anyone. A few of his "race videos" looked like he was merging onto the freeway, not racing.

  6. can't believe the videos were actually made.


    X2 but you have to give it to the kid, he has done more racing in those videos then probably half the people posting. (and if you take offence to that then you're the ass doing all the talking) We can't all drive 9, 10 and 11 second cars that trap 130-150mph. you have to start some where. He's not bragging that he can take down CR with his V6 Ruststang, he's just enjoying his car and sharing it with others and after all isn't that what this site is for?

  7. After the magnets comment Shaggy says “and I don’t want to talk to a scientist, yall mother fuckers lyin, and gettin me pissed.” This is obviously an expression of frustration with his inability to understand basic scientific concepts. You can see the pain expressed in Shaggy’s face as he recalls how science class made his brain hurt. While he wants to know how magnets work, he is not willing to accept a scientific explanation.



  8. Lol no. According to my father who works for Inbev(formally Anheuser Busch,) Natural Light is the best selling beer they have.



    In today's economy, that's no surprise.


    That's the thing about beer/ alcohol sales... When the economy is good people buy it, when it's bad, they still buy it (maybe even more)

  9. http://knowyourmeme.com/i/000/042/165/original/6.jpg?1267720921





  10. http://knowyourmeme.com/i/000/044/219/original/cool_cat.jpg?1269490362
























  11. http://knowyourmeme.com/i/000/044/309/original/kraken5.jpg?1269543973


























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