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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. at first I was like "WTF GAY!!!" But then they did they did the thunder and I was like "WTF Awesome!"
  2. Main3s


    lol... true. But realy, why is any of this relavant. So the dude made some movies in the 80's. Why the fuck is this news?
  3. Main3s


    I think it's the issue is going from little to no money then in a few months making hundreds of thousands of dollars. If I made a shit load of money at the age of 16-17 years old and had people all around me telling me how awesome I was and having shit handed to me I could see how one could fall into that trap. But if I were to make that kind of money now without the added attention and with the maturity I have,then I could defiantly manage it and be very well of for the rest of my life. It's easy to judge when it's not you...
  4. That's kind of what I was thinking. I mean, if it were my car, I'd be pissed. But as a spectator, that was full of WIN!
  5. Why does everyone want to race online anyway? So there is less shit talking online about races. How many of the shit talking thread actualy resulted in a race? As long as there are people still attending track days and there are still races in mexico, I could care less about the online racing... but hey, if that's what gets you all jacked up then have at it!
  6. Wow! Just Wow. I'm impressed with the cars as well as the drivers. That kind of speed, power, breaking and handling is all good shit!
  7. You know the driver heard that and was like... "Bring it bitches!" That was pretty good. Why didn't I do that with my 87 Corolla?
  8. Possibly, but it will mostly depend on how things go the first time. If we get a good showing and people are respectful of things, I’m sure we could work it in somewhere.
  9. 10:45 is fine. First time is free, call me or txt me before you head up, 778-9026.
  10. What if a girl goes out of her way to tell you that she's newly single?
  11. http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/3/3c/Pedobear_14.jpg
  12. I'm sure the dude would just build another one... only bigger
  13. You could just plow every few hours, it would be fun! It's not like you'll get cold.
  14. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=77137
  15. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2360/2067341088_e1870dc32b.jpg
  16. Okay enough messin around my call out is to Brian C. I'm pretty sure I've got at least 3 fights in me for a night. Super_GTP vs Howard Super_GTP vs Brian C and... Super_GTP vs _________ <---- (who ever wants to put their name here)
  17. I'll take a dive if I can get a cut of the money. "You feel that sting, it's called pride...Fuck pride. In the 3 round you fall"
  18. I have that condition too. It's a little different, but basically because of it, I can't beat Neon’s!?
  19. Now we're taking side bets!? I thought this was just for fun and maybe to get out a little frustration. If that’s the case I need to get a promoter.
  20. Fixed I'd be willing to go a few rounds with either of you. I mean, whats the wost that could happen?
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