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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. I for see it being a solid turn out at this point
  2. 10 people are suppose to be fighting that's 5 fights at least. So 5, 5 minute fights (with the break in between) is a good half hour of entertainment and I'm sure everyone will be there an hour/ hour and a half. (accounting for down time in between fights) There should be enough room they have a boxing night there once a month and there has been as many as 25-30 people attend those. So if I can single handedly sellout Sullivan Brothers Gym then I'm asking to box there for FREE from now on.
  3. It will be over by then. The gym closes at 9:00.. You'll have to get the highlights on video. Sorry dude
  4. You won't after you enter a wing eating contest... :barf: Good luck man. I signed up for one 2 years ago at Roosters. The guy next to me was eating them so fast he was gagging and almost throwing up at the same time. Add that to the mess and smell that comes when you're trying to slam down as many wings as possible and... Well, lets just say I still can't enjoy roosters wings.
  5. This might be a good match up. If that's not good I'll go a round or two with ya. I'm defiantly not going to hit you as hard as possible, I can take it slow
  6. So you getting a supra next or something?
  7. I know, but they'll tire quicker.
  8. BUMP Because CR FIGHT NIGHT is less then 3 days away and I'm ready to unleash the furry! I will have an official CR PUSSY list for all the tough talkers who said they’d show then bail cause… “Well they had other things to do”. And we will crown a CR King of the Ring. So come at me brah’ I named the time and place now it’s time for you to show up!!!
  9. Okay so as it looks now going into Friday I feel 90% sure the following people will attend AND actually get in the ring… Super_GTP Howard Wagner V8Beast rossignolboarder43 Tyler ImYourOBGYN BigTGun3 Big Steve? ohmr95b Beer30 If you’re not on the above list and serious about showing up, putting some 20oz balloons on your hands and romping around for a good time send me a PM and I’ll add you to the list. I’d like to have a solid list of serious fighters so I can somewhat match people up and give my trainer a heads up on what to expect. Hopefully this is a fun turn out and a little change of pace for people. We’re going out after the fight so if you just want to watch the “fights” then comes hang out after that’s cool too. I’m just trying to get a decent head count so my trainer isn’t caught off guard. Well Enjoy and see you on CR FRIDAY NIGHT FIGHTS!!!!
  10. Don't wory it's not going to get out of hand to where people will be breaking their face and going to the ER. So don't be pussy and come on out And yes the mothhpiece that you boil and bite is fine.
  11. A friend of mine has 2 kids and he always has snacks. I watched the OSU basketball game at his place last weekend. We had fruit roll ups, dunkarooos and Mondo's.
  12. I would be disapointed in they posted updates on CR while on spring break...
  13. Aaah the beatuy of america! If people don't agree with me they MUST be worng! How dare they have a different view....
  14. Main3s

    FS: Used Cliff

    Any rust? Interested in pics, thnx!
  15. I think its funny that the dude had the car for 2 years and never had a problem. Then he hears about an issue then all a sudden he can't stop :jerkit:
  16. +1, I hate that part of town. There are so many areas like that up there. Ever try Olentangy Rd (315) N around that time
  17. Hey whats your cell number? I had it but lost it. I'll txt you tonight & if you'll be playing I'll swing by!
  18. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b277/wise_jake/beads.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f399/2000itrguy/30kspxg.jpg
  19. I was looking for this video the other day! It was on here sometime last year, but it's all good.
  20. yeah, well joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain!
  21. This is kind of scary Paul. All you need now is some sort of low flying aircraft and then you can roll race for $20 on Land, Air or Sea. Does your need to race know no boundaries!? Nice boat man. :thumbup:
  22. I just sent this to my G/F... Oh god what was I thinking, cute puppy!
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