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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. http://fishadvisories.utah.gov/images/rainbow_trout.jpg
  2. Thta's it... touch it?! Man the things I would eat off her ass...DAMN!!!!
  3. Main3s


    When he kicked the extra point in that pre-season game this year I knew it was going to be a good year for him. He may talk a lot of crap at times, but most of it is on the field during games and not before or after. He's going out, playing football, getting paid and giving back to the fans. So many pro-athletes act like it’s such a burden to get paid millions for playing a sport. It’s awesome to see someone like him go out have fun and do the things he’s doing this year.
  4. Anytime you want! Seriously PM me sometime, winter is coming and everyone is going to need something to do... CR boxing match Feb 2010?
  5. Yeah they moved about 7-8 months ago just accrss the street. It's a much bigger building. Their first one was small no doubt. anymore it's either packed full or there are very few people there. It all dependes on when you go.
  6. I know what you mean; I was working 2 jobs for the longest after H.S. Got into a steady relationship and just didn't care. Then I was asked to be on a softball team at work with a bunch of older guys,(40-50 year olds) guys who have been behind a desk most of their carriers. Was in the outfield and after sprinting for a few pop ups I was out of breath. I looked around at the guys I work with and thought. I don’t want to be this way when I’m their age. Something that I was always interested in was boxing. I got into it, loved it and the rest is history. I’m not ripped or anything and I’m probably not the strongest person I know, but I can run laps around most anyone and endurance is amazing (that’s what she said) I know I’m in excellent shape and I’m doing it while enjoying another chapter to my life. I went to the doctors a few weeks ago after I broke my thumb. My resting heart rate was 43, 46 and 44. They took it 3 times it was so low. Apparently 50-100 is normal 50-40 is common in most athletes. Hahaha If you get a change to get back into something do it! You’ll thanks yourself later.
  7. Nice!!! I've been putting any extra money I get on my car. It should be paid off here in the next 4-5 months (6-7 months early). It's hard to focus on the long term things like that, especially when the here and now side of things seems so much harder, but good things come to thoes who wait.
  8. Neither it's a song about the movie.
  9. I think overall the government needs to work harder rather then putting the burden back on the citizens. Laws like this are designed to help law enforcement and the “system” for lack of better word work less. By making something so general, so all inclusive the government can interpret it anyway they want. Rather then having to look closely and provide evidence, fact and TRUTH. They can fathom up whatever scenario they want to get whatever result they want. You talk back to the cop because he’s had a shitty day, your ticket went from speeding to street racing. It’s not at all about making the roads safer, it not about the poor girl that was injured, it’s not about the young kid who may or may not have been racing at the time. It’s not about the dead father/ husband or the judgment of the others involved. It’s about making things easier for the government. Had this been an open and close case do you think we would be talking about a new law right now…? That’s what pisses me off. They way they use peoples emotions and situations to scare others into believing their shit! Be afraid of the evil street racers with their death machines terrorizing the streets of Columbus. You must pass this law! Here’s an idea, why not go after people who text & drive, or who don’t obey traffic laws that are already in place! Like the once we all see being broken every day that lead to accidents. Nooo, shit no. That would involve effort. Tell me it’s about wanting to make things better when half the rules of the road don’t even get enforced to begin with. And the other half you see “law enforcement” break. Hahaha
  10. That's what I was thinking too....... http://farm1.static.flickr.com/209/465885799_4c7b1068c4.jpg
  11. Am I missing somthing? I don't really see the funny...
  12. It’s not a league or anything. It’s just a fight that our gym holds every month as a way to step it up a notch. You can get in the ring every time you go up if you want & there’s someone willing to step in with you. And sparing with someone is a bit different then going in and fighting them. So the first Friday of every month they hold Friday Night fights. It gives those of us who aren’t quite ready for real amateur bout something to train and work towards. You get in there with someone who has similar experience and go at it in front of a crowd. And even though it’s not anything “official” the intensity is there and we have a lot of good fighters. We also have a few pro’s and armatures that fight out of the gym too. My goal is to be ready to fight in the golden gloves competition next year. Hahah, yeah I know him, I've even been in the ring with him a few times. He just needs a little more confidence or aggression and he’d be a lot better. He’s taller and has a good right, but doesn’t throw a good enough jab yet to keep people away, so everything that’s in his favor kind of goes out the window. But he’ll get better; he’s up there almost every time I am and seems to be willing to learn, and that’s all it takes. I was actually going to fight him this past Friday but I wanted to really go at it with someone this time, someone who wouldn’t be afraid to hit back, someone who would test me. So I asked for this Tony kid instead. Nothing against your friend but he’s not really at that level yet. Small world though.
  13. Main3s


    So as a die hard Steelers fan I must ask what everyone’s opinion of Chad Ocho Cinco is. Personally I think he's great entertainment. He's a solid receiver (I don’ think he considered “Great” yet) but plays to have fun. I know there were contract issues a year or 2 ago. But other then that all of his "issues" have just been him being silly. I don't consider that to be a distraction for the team or league. It seems like he's just enjoying himself in the game. He's not tearing apart the locker room throwing his team mates under the bus or getting into trouble outside the NFL. So as far as I’m concerned let him do his thing. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/44183960.jpg
  14. True, but it's not like she shot him beasue he was cheating on her or becasue it was her husband and he abused her. You hear about that. "Oh she was abused be her husband, she had no choice but to kill him" But this... well, man or woman I don't think anything would happen.
  15. What do you think the guy would have done once he was in the house? If she could see him clear enough to shoot, then he had to of seen her with a gun. Do you think he was just going to break in, take her TV and leave? That sucks for her though; taking a life can't ever be easy no matter what the circumstances. Now she has to live with that, but better living with that then dying a statistic.
  16. I'd go with the cam before the pulley as well. The added boost won't be worth a damn and will cause more problems then power if your drivatrain can't move the air.
  17. Main3s


    Well at least you were driving at a safe speed...
  18. . Sullivan Brother GYm off of Sawmill Rd It's really fun, even if ou only do light sparring. You get a damn good work out and get to mix it up a bit without getting your head knocked off.
  19. I know I had a camera but it was acting up and didn't record I'm going to see if somone else has video so I can share it.
  20. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_2541.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_2543.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_2526.jpg Then, after all that... time for a pose. I was soooo freakin tired. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_2547.jpg
  21. Okay so for those who care, here are a few pics from my boxing match on Friday. Scheduled for 3 rounds (Hey it's amateur) and your winner by way of the judges score cards... Chris "The Main Event" Maines (aka Super_GTP). Though I’ve been at this for about a year now, I can honestly say this was the hardest fight I’ve ever been in. Tony, they guy I was fighting, was very good and about 5 inches taller then me. His downside was his cockiness and that every time I landed a solid punch he would get upset and stop “boxing” and start brawling. I out boxed him in the first 2 rounds and did most of my damage early on but ran out of gas mid way through the 3rd so I spent the last 1:30 moving, blocking, and tying him up. It really took me to the next level as we were both trying to take each other head off and damn near did a few times… Now for the pics (I'm in the white gloves) enjoy! http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/2-1.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/3.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/4.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/6.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/7.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/13.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/13-1.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/12.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/11.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/10.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/8.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/9.jpg
  22. Hey I was trying to leave you out of this.
  23. Sol740 Funny yet sofistakated... (my improper typing of the word sophisticated is an example of irony)
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