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Everything posted by KawiGurl

  1. Uh yeah my thoughts exactly
  2. We are sorry for any inconvenience but the ho train is temporarily out of service for maintenance after a quick hose off it will be up and running again Thank you
  3. This sounds fun I would so be in! I love being scared! I also know a town near me called Gratis its creepy too lots of mini cemeteries and covered bridges, its like The Hills have eyes creepy:eek:
  4. seriously it is fail to get married! SRSLY
  5. Glad you are ok. Thankfully you had gear or I am pretty sure the road would have scraped your face clean off!
  6. He went to Jared!!! I wish I had a place I could recommend but I always buy from a jewelry guy I know Good luck!
  7. KawiGurl


    Thats pretty sweet!!
  8. KawiGurl

    No caption

    From the album: Funnies

  9. KawiGurl

    Thats a big bitch!

    From the album: Funnies

  10. KawiGurl

    Happy Birhtday lol

    From the album: Funnies

  11. KawiGurl


    Just pics that make me laugh
  12. Just have to add that I read the title and for second thought it said Superdike lol yeah I'm a blond sometimes
  13. Is your vagina feeling a bit loose lately? Is your partner complaining that love making is just not the same? You're in luck! Introducing Vagina Tight!! After application you will be as tight as a 12 year old virgin! Side effects include Spontaneous Combustion Random detaching of limbs Molestation by Pedobear The sudden loss of ones head Oily bowels wax-like discharge from ears
  14. Bahahaha I love it!!! All we need is the twilight theme for that phrase and its perfect!! :lol:

  15. Or maybe I'm a cupcake psychic ????
  16. Happy Birthday!!! MMMM Cupcakes!!
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