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Everything posted by vfrrwb

  1. ordered these, have no idea how good they will be but for $55 and 30 day money back I figure they're worth looking at, should be getting them by Monday, will let you know:) http://www.jackets4bikes.com/p-961-new-motorcycle-kangaroo-leather-kevlar-gloves-black.aspx
  2. I'm uhh asking for a uhh a friend...how much does a session cost?
  3. Don't matter whether you're driving or riding if you're doing double+ speed limit in traffic you're the jackass. It don't matter if the reporter didn't do proper bike studies etc., people are going to see 153 mph in a 45 mph and they're going to go ya outlaw those bikes...ignorant or not the minority of the jackasses doing that could screw it up for the rest of us....
  4. Glad to see the gear worked and you're ok.
  5. If the biker had all the gear on with lots of Kevlar would the bullet even go through?
  6. I know where it is, just hate riding down there.
  7. All 4 80s/90s Batman movies in the $5 Walmart movie bin....8 hours of life well spent.
  8. That's impressive if they're still on the bike....
  9. My in-laws have a beach house at Nags Head, NC there is an HD store not too far away from there, this is from the website, can anyone guess what's missing? "NAGS HEAD STORE FEATURES: Open 7 days a week Large inventory of Custom T-shirts Leathers, denims, footwear, and jewelry Gift items and Collectibles Childrens Wear Outlet Store Prices One Block from the Beach"
  10. In all fairness the guys that are actually on the Browns aren't doing that much playing either......
  11. It gave me an excuse to dress up like a cowboy for a month!!!!
  12. 60 miles would get me to work and then strand me there...wonder if I would be able to plug it in somewhere in my cube....
  13. Around here that means about 3" of snow Saturday then 80 degrees on Suday:p
  14. Interesting philosophy, being seen and approved of by others for what I ride would not be a sales point for me, then again I'm anti-social. But in today's "hey look at me" society it works really well, and it's mostly what I see on the roads around my house...
  15. 9th place is sooo close to the playoffs lmao.
  16. I think I can make it on the 17th. Is there room in the slow group?
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