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Everything posted by Sapphy

  1. I will be done with ground school at the end of May, I would do my flight time with you if I could.
  2. Hell Yea!!! Way to go!!! whats next? Trainer cert?
  3. Shut up and take my money!!!!
  4. Sapphy

    Google this

    must fight the urge to improve my score
  5. Been there, done that. I stand by my gross statement
  6. Just want to be clear, the description fits, but it was not me. I been accused of being too independent and take care of all my own shit. I swear you men are never happy. Gold digger, or too independent is there no middle ground? On the serious side, sorry you got fucked over like that Beegreenstrings, but it is better now than if you did marry the #$%
  7. Not one for covers, but I like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieb5Z9cpiAs
  8. Nope, saw and and like it. The funny is in how true it is.
  9. Hello There, Look at your girlfriend, now look at me, now back to your girlfriend. Unfortunately she isn’t me, but is she stopped watching Jersey Shore and switched to Game of Thrones, she could be me. Look Down, now back up. Where are you? You’re at a convention, meeting Mark Hammel with the girl your girlfriend could be like. What’s that in your hand? It’s tickets to the midnight premier of the Dark Knight rises…look again, the tickets are now Xbox controllers, and with this girl’s help you can get all the achievements for Gears of War and Left For Dead. Anything is possible when you get a geek for a girlfriend. I’m Playing Mario
  10. Wowsers!! I thought my home simulator was impressive, but damn!! http://gizmodo.com/5902984/this-air-traffic-controller-built-a-fully-functional-737-simulator-in-his-garage
  11. it's called google, you should try it some time Standard DoD 5220.22-M, US DoD 5220.22-M http://www.usaid.gov/policy/ads/500/d522022m.pdf http://www.killdisk.com/dod.htm
  12. hate to tell ya, but even with one or two holes, data can still be recovered from the platters.
  13. Sapphy

    girl rider

    we need pics of her, then if she passes I'll come around when you are gone
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSLPH9d-jsI&list=UUyC_4jvPzLiSkJkLIkA7B8g&feature=plcp
  15. Ill be going to go see this http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/cccce11544/american-reunion-red-band-trailer
  16. I got the same lid in blue last year.
  17. I am a girl, have had girl friends, and I can get all of them right
  18. New monitor Tripped monitor stand iPad(gen3) Books for flight school A bunch of apps for the iPad
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