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Everything posted by Sapphy

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZF5m-vmDzM
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXmMQJMFL_I
  3. Just giving you shit, because I give a shit, that's just how I roll
  4. your right I am sure there are a few OK ones in the mix, but they are few and far between. Even the few I know socially, I will never trust them, and will never invite any of them to my home.
  5. If it is clearly DV and I don't know either party, damn skippy I am not getting involved. If I know either party I will, and have taken hits to protect/stop the violence. Random act of violence, say something like a gay bashing, if I think I can physically do something to cause the violence to stop, yes, if not I look the other way. Bottom line is, I am the last person that will EVER call a LEO. I would not even call a LEO even if I was the recipient of a beat down. I will never trust a LEO, and if I can't take care of it legally without a LEO, I will just deal with whatever is falling on me. And before anyone jumps on "well if you were not a criminal" bullshit, I am not, clean record (sans 3 traffic violations in 21 years of driving).
  6. I stay out of it. None of my business. DV is such a joke to most LEOs anyway, and DV victims usually go right back to the person who is hurting them, hence why most the LEOs I know roll their eyes at DV.
  7. We had a WYSIWYG editor?!?!? I didn't know that because all I use it chrome
  8. made the switch a little over a year ago when Firefox started the rapid release crap and have been happy with it.
  9. I agree, if them little shits want candy, make them deal with the weather!!! muhahahahahahahah
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8m44UcO-RA
  11. Nothing wrong with a little Freak Candy it can be fun
  12. Pics of a woman that in shape, with hardly an clothing on? I thought that was the very definition of eye candy for a guy. Sure she is painted blue, I am sure some are into that.
  13. Mostly eyecandy for the guys, but still cool
  14. Sapphy


    How many times did this get bumped? 288? Hmmmm?
  15. And just some random eye candy for all of you assassins creed fans
  16. I think you just did. But I am not sure, you should try it again
  17. 5 reasons the person fixing your PC hates you http://www.cracked.com/video_18480_5-reasons-guy-fixing-your-computer-hates-you.html
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfviVIe9kOo
  19. I am not too far from there, but I just now saw that you were stuck. Sorry, glad you got it home.
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