Here is a very important PSA about all this. Really?! The price is not bad at all, still way better than what I was paying a month to go to Blockbuster. And blaming this on NetFlix greed?!?!?! What ever! Do your homework. They are the underdog in all this. They are fighting Hollywood and all that bullshit, then they have Comcast putting the screws to them with slowing the traffic on comcast's internet service unless they pay a surcharge. Why? Because NetFlix is cutting into the their Pay-Per-View. Then, O wait, Postage keeps going up as well, when was the last time you put a stamp on your DVD? Wat to talk about the lacking selection, again talk to Hollywood and Blockbuster. They have deals to try to lock Netflixs out of the game, at one point Sony was charging 2Xs the licensing fee to Netflix as it was any other retailer