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Everything posted by Sapphy

  1. see what jblosser said. 5 million on an average day hits the system (pre spam filtering) yea, that pretty much covers it. Plus we are working on sunsetting departmentally branded systems and bringing them into the central system as well. I also am the primary Exchange Engineer that works with the Novell IdM team with the bridge between IdM and Exchange.
  2. Apply anyway, you never know. You have some experience, you might be surprised. OSU loves to hire OSU people. Hell I got to be an engineer of central email there, and I have no degree.
  3. Here is a very important PSA about all this. http://FunnyOrDie.com/m/5x48 Really?! The price is not bad at all, still way better than what I was paying a month to go to Blockbuster. And blaming this on NetFlix greed?!?!?! What ever! Do your homework. They are the underdog in all this. They are fighting Hollywood and all that bullshit, then they have Comcast putting the screws to them with slowing the traffic on comcast's internet service unless they pay a surcharge. Why? Because NetFlix is cutting into the their Pay-Per-View. Then, O wait, Postage keeps going up as well, when was the last time you put a stamp on your DVD? Wat to talk about the lacking selection, again talk to Hollywood and Blockbuster. They have deals to try to lock Netflixs out of the game, at one point Sony was charging 2Xs the licensing fee to Netflix as it was any other retailer
  4. 55 on Old River Rd? Kind of risky, people pull out of the driveways all the time, I seen way too many wrecks on that road. Glad you are OK. Back in HS I got a ticket for 72 on that road. I was young and dumb
  5. I get the season pass on iTunes, no commercials and I have it forever after that.
  6. Asus started as a motherboard maker and targeted the gamers. Because gamers demand a lot, their shit had to be rock solid. They did well and a few years back moved into the laptop market. I got the son one 2 years ago for x-mas. It has held up well and we have had no issues. I would buy one again.
  7. I will admit it, I was doing crazy stuff at that age. I would drift a Plymouth Horizon and a Ford Escort on old gravel roads at speeds neither of the cars should have been doing on a paved surface. I miss that escort, I did some crazy things to that car. Putting racing slicks that stuck out 4 inches on that back of it I think was my favorite.
  8. this is why my drunk ass walked everywhere.
  9. Here is mine, all loaded up for my adventure this past weekend.
  10. I could not watch more than like 60 seconds of that. I think I am going to be ill
  11. well damn, I wish I would have known, I so would have meet up for a drink. This was so spur of the moment, so I had no plan what so ever.
  12. So I decided to runaway this weekend. I loaded up the bike and put it on the road. the only plan was to head north until I hit some major body of water. It worked out well, I ended up in Port Clinton. I rode around the coast most the day and chilled until I got a room for the night. The next day I jumped on a boat headed out to Put In Bay. That is where it happened. On the booklet with the map, there was an ad for "see the islands in an open air cockpit bi plane". So I walked all the way out to the airport (it looked closer on the map, next time I will get a golf cart) and handed over the money and jumped in the seat. It was awesome. I felt way more free then I ever have in any other small plane. I can't wait to do it again.
  13. Sapphy

    Downtown Put in Bay

    From the album: Flight

  14. Sapphy

    Over Lake Erie

    From the album: Flight

  15. Sapphy

    South Bass island

    From the album: Flight

  16. Sapphy

    ready for take off

    From the album: Flight

  17. Sapphy


  18. Sapphy

    Senate Bill 5

    well you have not meet me or else you could not say that.
  19. Sapphy

    Freaking out!

    I saw the dump truck again today. I was on my way to work, coming down 315. Up ahead I see the Worthington police has someone pulled over. As i get closer I see it is a dump truck with a black bucket, my heart skips a little with the thought that maybe it could be with a little luck, that ass hat from last week getting some payback. I slow down a little. as I get up there, the biggist smile evrn formed on my face, it was him!!!!! I don't know what he was pulled over for, but I felt a little better that at least now the law might help get is attitude in check.
  20. Sapphy

    Freaking out!

    Yes, that is pretty much the situation, and most of the times I am in the right lane waiting and having people run up and jump over. I do not make it a habit of doing that. Part of the issue that day was Park Rd is closed due to train track repair. I had to go up to Lazelle rd to get over onto 23. This change really messed the flow of traffic up, it I got locked in that left lane longer then I would like, so I opted to wait until after the light at Campus View to try to get over.
  21. Sapphy

    Freaking out!

    there was about 2.5 to 3 car lengths opening. Given we where doing 25-30mph IMO i felt that was a safe opening.
  22. Sapphy

    Freaking out!

    you all are right on that part. A lot of it was by the time I was blocked by traffic I was rattled to where I didn't have the confidence in my skills to pull it off.
  23. Sapphy

    Freaking out!

    I was not going to split the lane. First it is illegal, second, I was already shaken, so I was not going to push it.
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