Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America’s Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots’ every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan and other warzones. I could not make up my mind in putting it here or under firearms.
I saw that too. :puke:If I had the time to take off work I would go to California to stand between them and the family. My her iPhone catch fire in her pocket and burn her.
really, can no one have an opinion anymore without being villianized? ESPN: "OMG he has an opinion, we have to pull his music" Someone at ESPN needs kicked in the junk.
that is illegal Back in the day I wrote auto dial software (Don't hate on me I had to pay the bills), I learned about a company back in the 80s the crashed the Capital Building's phone system by doing that, so that quickly became illegal.
I can't make up my mind on whether it is a classic one, or one made from that company in Texas that bought all the parts when the factory closed. The place in Texas does some upgrades that MIGHT let it chirp the tires
I would love to see these "mothers" head explode if they knew that their kids hear and say when they are at school and hanging out. I wounder what the color of the sky is in their world to think kids don't learn what sex is. I mean they have the discovery channel don't they? I want to try some Schweddy balls