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Everything posted by tonepaq

  1. tonepaq

    r6 010

    From the album: r6

  2. tonepaq

    r6 009

    From the album: r6

  3. tonepaq

    r6 008

    From the album: r6

  4. tonepaq

    r6 007

    From the album: r6

  5. tonepaq

    r6 006

    From the album: r6

  6. tonepaq

    r6 004

    From the album: r6

  7. tonepaq

    r6 003

    From the album: r6

  8. I have always liked this one : http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-a-Nintendo-NES-PC/ Make an old Nintendo into a gaming pc. The guy who made this instructable died shortly after making it. Cant remember what happened to him exactly.
  9. Leave $15,000 of motorcycles in a gravel driveway uncovered 24/7, Where small children play on and around them or pay $40 a month to be locked up and covered, then walk a couple blocks. It was an easy choice. (I ride my bicycle there)
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