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Everything posted by goal12

  1. goal12

    urine tests

    Or we could just axe program completely and let nature take its course. Some will die (boo hoo) and some will get up off of their asses and do something. Survival of the fittest. On a serious side, You can't institute restrictions on how they spend their welfare checks. But I do agree that something must be done. Maybe do something like unemployement where you have to actually work to get any benefits. Or even time constraints. The vast majority of the welfare recipients do not have the lifestyle you or I would approve of - its probably the reason why they are where they are.
  2. maybe all those free t-shirts are why they mark up the prices compared to their website, or they would run out of them in a blink of an eye
  3. About the time the French stood up for something Seriously, the French Government is pretty stupid to implement this
  4. Ok, so I called the dealership and asked what they do at the 600 mile service. they said they have 34-point checklist (I don't know where they come with that number unless checking the tread in 2 different spots of the tire count as 2 separate steps...) They also said that if I did the service it would void warranty... didn't fall for that one The guy also mentioned that the service manual isn't what they have in the shop and that I can buy one that is generic at their parts store for 36 bucks. Is this just another bull sh*t sales tactic? And where do you guys buy your service manuals?
  5. Do what I did and ask the local dealers to match it. I found the best OTD price I could find and then gave the local dealer a ring. It all depends on how much the dealer wants/needs to move the inventory.
  6. I guess I can do it myself if its just an oil change, just wanted to know if there was anything more to worry about if its running fine. thanks all
  7. I've hit the 600 mile mark and need to get that first major service done. Was thinking about taking it into the dealer but I rather not burn money paying them to do simple check-ups. Anyone out in East Columbus who can show me how to do proper maintenance? Of course there will be beer and pizza for your hard work. But be forewarned, I am a major newbie and not too mechanically inclined. Thanks
  8. goal12


    Thanks for advice. Where do I ask for help? I don't see a "I'm a big newb and don't know how to do basic maintenance" section
  9. goal12


    Haha sry, this is my second bike (rode the 250 for 3k miles last year). ASK powersports says that is is $220 ish to do their 600 mile first service as per the manual I would pay that gladly if they actually did any work on it... i think they just check off boxes and then let it sit for 3 hours.
  10. goal12


    Hey, I'm a second year rider on zx6r that has 570 miles of pure fun on it. it needs to be taken in for the 600 mile check-up. any suggestions on a good mechanic that won't charge an arm and a leg for something that is pretty much an oil change? thanks
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