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Everything posted by Jcarlson

  1. Mello Dude - I bought the battery two year ago (October of 2010) when this problem first came around, but because fo thsi problem it has had hardly any use. It's a gel battery from Iron Pony. It's on the charger now and I'll take it in tomorrow night and see what happens. Max - that's what I've been doing and man does it ever suck! One of my problems is I only have a few hours every few days to get to it so it's time consuming as all get out. I'm about to buy all new wires just to get this damn thing figured out!! not really but that's how frustrated I am with this.
  2. I spoke too soon. In the time it took to write my last post the battery was drained to 12.2V - not enough to start it again. When it was running earlier it ran like a champ. Before I started it I checked the voltage -12.6V. I ran it about 10 minutes and shut it down. I checked voltage and it was 13.1V. That's good! It recharged. I hit the starter again and it fired up again. I shut it down and came in to post my wonderful news. 15 minutes later it was drained to 12.2V. Something somewhere is draining juice when the iginition is off. Anybody have any clues or do I just keep doing what I'm doing? One more thing. As I'm trying to start it the battery wears down while it's cranking over. It wears down to a point to where it won't turn the starter anymore. And it doesn't take long to kill it either. Would the starter be the problem - drawing too much juice?
  3. I GOT IT!!!! I'm not sure what I did but it fired right up!! I finally got back to it today. Not knowing where to start I figured I'd just pick a ground and check it out. I started with the turn signal switch. I took it off and it looked pretty clean but I hit it with some emery cloth anyway, cleaned the handlebar, and put it back on. Then I removed the starter disconnect switch from the clutch handle. It never worked anyway but I cleaned it too. Then just for poops and hooha's I swapped out the self cancelling turn signal controller with one I had from an old wiring harness I bought last year. I turned the key and it freakin fired right up!! I'm not sure what I did but it worked - probably the turn signal cancelling box but who knows and who cares. It even recharges the battery now too. The bike is 31 years old but it runs like brand new. Now I just need to clean it up from winter storage and hit the road!! I want to say thanks to all the guys who chimed in on this thread to lend a helping hand. That's what this place is all about. Jim Carlson
  4. I'm still here guys. I haven't given up, I just haven't wrenched it since Sunday. I did what Strictly Street suggested and it's on the 15A line, which basically is the whole bike. Once I found that line runs to the ignition I said "Ohhhh Fuuuuuuudggggge" like Ralphie in "A Christmas Story". Here's what I've found - the fuse block is grounded to the battery box, the start relay is grounded somewhere in the wiring harness, the battery box is grounded to the chasis, "I hear the word of the Lord!!" I'm slowly working my way through the wires cleaning, sanding, replacing if needed every nut, bolt, screw, eyelet, connector, you name it. I checked voltage and continuity on the starter & relay and that's all good, but that's as far as I got. I won't get to it again until next monday so I'll keep my fingers crossed and keep chugging away. Thanks for all the tips and I'll do what everyone has suggested so far, it's just take some time. Jim
  5. I had a f tire installed there last year on my Concours. It makes a whrrrr-ing noise when I lean, but it's from the tread design. No noises when going straight. Just a thought.
  6. Ok folks, I've posted this problem before but I'm getting tired of chasing my tail with this bike. Four summers ago I replaced the stator & R/R with new aftermarket ones. The bike ran great all summer long. The next summer it ran great until about October that year (2009). I stopped at a gas station, shut it off then it would not start. Recharging/jumping the battery will make it start again but shut it off after 20 minutes or so of riding and I'm dead. Thinking possibly a bad battery I replaced a two year old YUASA with a Bikemaster gel battery. Same story. Bottom line is it would not recharge the battery while riding. I've checked every ground there is and they all seem good and I've been through all the stator & R/R tests there is according to Clymers. I don't remember the numbers cuz I did it last year but they were'nt bad. Last year while doing a load test on the R/R I pulled the male plug off red wire. I picked up a used R/R from eBay and replaced it today (it supposedly came off a running bike, but you never know for sure with eBay). I charged the battery today as well. Turn the key, lights come on but starter barely cranks. It still won't start. With the key off I checked the battery - 12.36V. Turn the key and it drops to 11.96 +/-, and that is without hitting the starter button. Is there a way to hook the bike to something and let it do its thing and find what the problem is? You know how the auto parts stores have that machine where they can test the battery, alternater, voltage regulator, etc to find whats gone bad? Is there one of those for bikes? Is there a broken wire somewhere? A bad component somewhere? I've been all through this thing, but I'm no bike mechanic. I can rebuild a motor and make it run, but I am NOT electrical savvoy. I'm at wits end with this thing and don't know where else to turn. Anything you have to offer will be great and if anyone would like to swing by and have look you're most welcome to do so. I'll take anything I can get at this point. Thanks in advance! Jim
  7. I actually know the President of Life (insurance). LOL!! Well, the fomer President I should say. Now he's CEO of Grange Mutual - Tom Welch.
  8. Most are insurance related (obviously) but there are a couple of good paying IT jobs - Internet Programmer, Software QA. Great place to work. Great atmosphere. Great benefits. In-House 24x7 fitness center. FREE secured covered parking downtown. Check them out at the link below. If you fill out an application be sure to put my name "James Carlson" in the referred by line. I'm a mainframe COBOL Programmer there and it's really a great place. Click this link then click on "Current Opennings" to view all available positions. https://www.grangeinsurance.com/JoinOurTeamAssociate.aspx
  9. Bowdog - Born and raised in Rome huh? No nukes up there is there? LOL LOL LOL!!!!! I've been to Seneca Army Depot. I've seen the barbed wire, electric fence, MP's, ammo bunkers, the Oridinance unit. Nooooo there are no nukes up there. Well, maybe not any more. There are only tons of Albino deer.
  10. Well like I said I haven't been there in years. We used to camp at a KOA just outside Old Forge. It's still there but it's not a KOA anymore. I love it there - the Adirondacks. Think I'll have my ashes scattered there LOL. I've been to Big Moose Inn, just to visit though. I've been to lakes 1-7, Tupper, Saranac, Placid - all over. 300 times better than the Smokies I think. For those that have never been, the Adirondacks isn't a place, it's a state of being. You have to go to understand what I mean. Those that have been understand. They know what I'm talking about. Has anyoneever winter camped up there? Ha Haaaa!! There's nothing like digging your trailer out of four feet of snow BEFORE you turn the heat on!! Ya gotta love it!!
  11. Yeah ya know, I mentioned it was for her and she'd been riding for two years and now it's time to upgrade, so maybe they felt she's not experienced enough or something, or weeding out the joy riders or whatever - I don't know. Here's another puzzling fact - he told us they have a six mile loop mapped out that they used as a 'test track'. I think that's because they're on Rt 23 where the speed limit is 55 right outside their door and so maybe they use this route because it's off the main road - who knows, but if you have a 'test track' then they must allow test rides, I would think. I don't get it.
  12. I've bought four bikes, all from private sellers, everyone let me test ride. Iron Pony does, Mid-ohio in Mt Vernon does, the Cycle Co on the Hilltop does, I've seen guys test ride at their partner company Integrity Cycles. I guess it's hit or miss. Most just make a copy of your license and make you sign a waiver and wear a helmet. I understand you don't want me to crash. I don't want to crash. It's not mine so I'm going to be even more cautious. I know that's not always the case with some people though. But, to have to actually buy it first is crazy. If I'm coming to look at your ride, I've got the cash (maybe not on me cuz I don't know you, but I have it). You don't buy a car that way. In MY book - no test ride for me, no money for you. I have to say though they weren't jerks about it or anything. Salesman was very nice, polite, professional. I just didn't agree with their policy.
  13. Maybe you and I go to different places, but I've test ridden bikes before. She had VISA in hand
  14. I grew up in Rochester NY, camped in the Adirondacks a billion times, did a few weeks at Ft Drum with the Guard, but never rode up there. We're going there this summer. My sister has a camp on Sacandaga Lake near Amsterdam and we're bring the bikes to enjoy the fresh outdoor mountain air for a few days. We thought about riding up to Old Forge, Lake George, etc. Has anyone ever ridden there? Share you story, please. Thanks Jim
  15. Before I begin I need to clearly state that I'm not bashing M.M., but rather simply looking for some clarification. My wife and I went there last night to look at a bike for her - 2005 Honda ShadowVLX 600 Deluxe. Nice bike, damn near showroom condition (one tiny chip in the paint), slightly outside of her budget but we gave it due dilligence. She loved it, I liked it, she almost bought it on the spot UNTIL I asked if she could test drive it. The salesman (I won't name names) told us we had to buy it BEFORE we could test ride it. Then, if she didn't like it they'd just rip up the paperwork and we'd be done with it. HUH? Does that mean she'd have to go through a loan app, transfer title, pay for tags and insurance THEN get to ride it? What if she didn't like it afterwards and they forget to refund her money? I'm scratching my head trying to figure this one out. I've never heard of such a thing, nor would I ever do such a thing. Can someone explain this to me? I thought maybe they require it so if you wreck it on the test drive, too bad it's yours now anyway? Shouldn't they have insurance for that? Maybe their insurance doesn't allow test rides? I don't know. I'm wondering if anyone else was told this by them, if this is a standard practice, or if the guy was weeding out joy riders or whatever. Like I said she'd probably have bought it, or atleast seriously considered it, but after that we walked and they lost a sale. Mind you, not that her few thousand bucks will make or break their business, but if this is their business model I can't see ever going back there. Who would do that with a $12,000 Harley or Goldwing? Someone please explain.
  16. I should add the frame is bent and that's the real reason why they totaled it. All I need to make it road worthy is a bumper and a tail light. like I sid I'm still driving it today, but not for much longer. The insurance company will only give me a rental for three days whic his why i wanted to keep it and dirve it til I got a new one. Sounds like that idea is out the window now. It's a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and up until the other day it was in good condition. Ran perfect and I was not planning on buying another car anytime soon. Per haps for a few hundo I can slap a bumper and tail light on there and be good to go? The driver's door sticks and left rear door doesn't open at all cuz the frame/body is crunched, so then again maybe I can't make it road worthy? Anybody need parts for a 2000 Grand Cherokee? I'll sell them to you cheap!! LOL
  17. Here's the deal. My car was rear-ended the other day and my car is totaled. I've been to the claims adjuster but have not yet settled. If I take the check and keep my car I have to get a salvage title. I don't plan to fix it but it's still driveable and I would like to drive it til I find a new car. Once I get the salvage title, what do I have to do to - 1) Continue driving it til I find a new one 2) What can I do with it after that? Can I sell it? Never been there, never done that. Jim
  18. and you could only grab one thing as you ran out the door, what would it be (not counting your bike)? It would have to be my dog for me. What would you grab?
  19. Rocks don't rent. Cooter - got the pics. Lemme think about it.
  20. Besides U-haul, does anyone know where I can rent a two bike trailer? I'm heading to the Adirondacks this summer and want to bring the bikes (street, not dirt) and I need a trailer. Uhaul has the standard 5x9 ramp trailer but they're kind heavy. I'd prefer a bike trailer cuz they're lighter weight. I could buy one, but that's mo money, mo money, mo money I don't want to spend if I don't have to and I'd have to sell it afterwards cuz I won't need it after this trip - atleast not in the foreseeable future anyway. Thanks in advance. Jim C.
  21. Thanks to both of you for service to your country, and one more to you for your sacrifces while she's away. From one Army guy to another, Hoo Rah!!
  22. I've been to the E Vet a few times with two of my dogs. I hope your Visa is ready for a melt down. They're not cheap but when it's for your buddy that doesn't matter.
  23. Just got caught up on episodes 7&8 today. Tate is dead - got wiped out by SWAT in 1994. Tate IS the man in the rubber suit. Downs girl long gone but speaks to Constance via a medium. I think Constance is really the lady that originally owned the house back in 19xx. I think Larry the burned guy is still alive. Vivian's husband (Dylon McDermitt) had Vivian (Connie Britton) locked up in the nut house. One episode left for this season. Haven't got a clue how this will end.
  24. Wasn't me but I know that intersection well. Almost bought it last winter during a snow. That IS a tight turn on two wheels too - it's less than 90 degree turn to the left and thats funky intersection to begin with.
  25. Ya know, I watch Vietnam in HD on the History channel just last week. Joe Galloway was on there talking about this very battle. Having seen that first then watching this movie, the movie was just as accurate as Galloway told it - right down to Jimmy what's his face getting burned by the napalm and the skin sliding off his legs when Joe picked him up. In fact, when watching the credits, he and Moore were the consultants for the movie so it had better damn well be accurate. The only thing I could see missing was the mention of Snake flying as many sorties as he did. In vietnamd in HD, Joe said Snake would get shot down, rescued, go get another Huey, get shot down again, rescued again, get another Huey, etc etc - I think he said 27 times but don't quote that number. Both were awesome flix.
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