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Everything posted by Jcarlson

  1. Call Streetwerks on Clara Ave. I don't have their number so you'll have to look it up. They do powdercoating but they may be able to tell you where to get it.
  2. I have a Slipstreamer windshield that's kinda scratched and foggy in spots. Do you think those headlight renewal kits would work on this? It's just clear lexan so why not, right? Lemme know whatchu think. Jim
  3. I've seen one called Handi Hauler. Same thing sorta. I need one to haul two bikes - mine and wifey's.
  4. Where are you taking classes? I graduated from DeVry back in 93. I'm a mainframe Cobol programmer (old school) at Grange Insurance. Been there eight years. Worked at National City for seven years until they outsourced me to India, and at The Limited for three years before that. I'm trying to learn C# but I don't have enough time in the day (gotta ride, right? LOL) Jim
  5. I didn't see it happen but I was there after the fact. My story is third party so you'll have to watch NBC4 news or read the Dispatch tomorrow. From what a witness told me he was running from the cops east bound on Schrock Rd east of State St. (Westerville Rd/Rt 3). Speed limit on this road is 25 mph - residential area. Long sweeping left curve and he didn't make it. Went up a driveway on the right, across the lawn, lost it coming off the curb of a side street, hit the other curb with his head. DOA. I couldn't get close enough to see in detail - cops everywhere. I saw the bike underneath a truck in the driveway. Don't know what kind of bike. The rider was under a sheet against the curb. Don't know age of the rider. Don't know how fast he was going but witnesses say really fast. Could have been 45 mph, could have been 90 mph. Who knows? It's a long sweeping curve so he'd have to have been flying right along to miss it. You shouldn't have run. R.I.P. unknown rider.
  6. Well, I'm not going to dis them cuz I sure can't do it. Hell, look what I'm riding!! Babe magnet it's not!! LOL!! But, when you have sponsored bikes that are built to the hills and perfectly balanced I guess anything would be easier than on your own stock wheels. This is not to say they don't have skills. They have 4000 times more than I do but I guess I liken it to drifting, skiing, snowboarding, basketball, etc. After a few spins and turns it's all the same. It's like an elephant - nice to look at but you wouldn't want to own one. Or, maybe I just have ADHD?? Who knows for sure?
  7. I know a little bit about a lot of things, but carbs isn't one of them so doing it myself as a first timer probably wouldn't be a good thing. I'd end up with extra parts!! I'd need some tutoring. Plus I don't have vacuum gauges to synch them with so I'm dead in the water as far as that goes. But I'm with you on DIY stuff. I prefer that, but I'd rather have someone over my shoulder when I do. I'd end up breaking something if I didn't. LOL Jim
  8. I don't know if they synch'd them. One would assume, but who knows for sure. I'll go back tomorrow and ask.
  9. Ok folks, I have a 2006 Kawasaki Concours Zg1000 that I bought a few weeks ago from a broker. The broker told me an issue it had with the carbs. Choke it, fire it up, it runs just fine. Ride on down the road, going through the gears, everything is fine. When downshifting to a stop it stalls. Pull in the clutch, hit the starter, it fires right back up and runs fine. What gives? The broker suggested it could "possibly" need the carbs cleaned since it has 57k miles, but being a broker he didn't know for sure. He was going by what other mechanics said the problem "sounded like". I had it over to Pony Powersports and had the carbs cleaned, all new float needles, new plugs, new air filter, and oil change. I picked the bike up today and the problem is still there. I didn't have them look into that problem specifically as I know they typically don't do diagnostics and heavy engine work, especially since they're not even a Kawasaki dealer. That's just not what they do. I don't know to what depth they cleaned the carbs - be it a complete disassemble and cleaning or just soak it in the tank, but they changed the float needles and the carb bodies are really shiny now so it's eveident they did something substantial. I'm not trying to say they did a lousy job. They did what I asked them to do. Not diss'ing P.P.S. at all. Anyway, am I looking at new idle jets, complete rebuilds, or something simple like a choke/throttle/idle adjustment? Also, are Cdonnies known for this issue? Any suggestions are welcomed! Thanks in advance! Jim
  10. I worked at Uhaul where trucks rented for $19.95. I had a woman call in once and ask how much the $19.00 truck cost to rent. I said "About twenty bucks". She said thanks and hung up. Also, I go outside my office to have a smoke. I come in and my coat is all wet from rain. I pass someone and they say "Is it raining?" I say "No, I just went through the car wash". NO FUCKING KIDDING IT'S RAINING!! Or, same scenario except it's January. "Is it still cold out?" No there's was a heat wave about 20 minutes ago but it's gone now so I came in." What the hell do you think it's fucking January!!
  11. I'm not really in to stunting, but is that guy that'll be at Iron Pony April 15-17 worth checking out?
  12. Four Nuns were attending a week long conference in Florida. It just so happens it was also Spring Break so they decided to venture out and see what the hype was all about. When they returned from their trip they all went to confession first thing Monday morning. The first nun went in and said "Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been one week since my last confession. These are my sins. Father, I must admit that while I was in Florida I touched a man's penis with my forefinger." The Preist replied "Oh my goodness!! While that's not necessarily a sin, it is against your vows to the church. For your Pennance you are to soak your finger in Holy Water for half an hour and say 20 Hail Marys". The nun left, told the other three what the Father said and began her prayers. The second nun went in and said "Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been one week since my last confession. Father, I must admit that while I was in Florida I rubbed a man's penis with my entire hand." The Priest replied "HOLY COW!! Oh my gosh sister that's horrible!! You're even worse than your sister. However, while that's not necessarily a sin, it is against your sacred vows to the church. For your Pennance you are to soak your entire hand in Holy Water for an hour and say 50 Hail Marys". The nun left, told the others what he'd said and began her prayers. Just as the third nun got up, the fourth nun said "Excuse me sister but may I go ahead of you?" The third nun said "Why no sister, be my guest but may I ask why?" The fourth nun said "Because I'll be damned if I'm going to drink that water after you sat in it for an hour and a half!!".
  13. Yeah they're hooked up with Integrity Cycles on S. High just south of 104. Prices are a little high IMHO, but that's just me. HUGE selection of bikes though.. HUGE!!
  14. I shouted for StreetWerkz Powder coating once before, but they went above and beyond yet again. Last year I dropped of my tank with them to have it media blasted in prep for painting. They charged a fair price and did a great job, but one of the rubber plugs fell inside the tank and they got some sand inside as well. Those were a pain in ass to get out but it didn't kill me. Got it out, painted the tank, the world is at peace. I dropped my wife's tank off the other day for the same service. I mentioned what happened last time and simply asked them to be more careful as not to have it happen again. I was expecting about a $30 charge for the job. A fair price in my mind. When I picked it up yesterday they said there was no charge. I asked why and they said because of what happened last time. I told them I wasn't complaining, just asking that it not happen again. They said they had to make it right. We shook hands and I left. Now that's what I call doing business. I told them I don't have much other work for them, but if I do I'm going back to them. So, if anyone needs that kind of work done, or anything powder coated - and I mean anything, I'll reccommend them anyday any way. They're located on Clara Ave next to the state Fairgounds between 17th & 11th ave. Jim
  15. You can try Olive Green Motorcycles but they're in Sunbury - quite a ways from you but worht the ride.
  16. Bad valve? Just guessing. Nice ride BTW!! That's sharp for its age.
  17. I thought I was going to lose the undercarraige of my Jeep on that thing. the one that bothers me the most, and it's nowhere near this bad is 670 E at the 5th ave curve. Same sort of deal - left hand curve, smooth steel expansion joint right at the leading edge of the curve. I'm always worried that with a little bit of rain that sucker will become like ice and BAM down you go - broken shoulder and all!!
  18. Letchworth State Park in Upstate New York. Practically grew up in the park. 17 miles of some nice twisties. http://www.letchworthpark.com/
  19. Has anyone ever hit these bumps? I don't usually go this way but I had to today, I got on I71N from Greelawn in my Jeep and was headed out to Wilson Rd. I mereged over to the left lane that leads to I-70W. The ramp is a tight, uphill, banked left curve. Sounds primo, right? In the middle of it is a span over top of another lane - 315 South I think. Anyway, right where the steel span meets the asphalt there is the long steel beam that runs the width of the lane. The asphalt is worn away from ontop of the steel beam and I swear it's about 4 inches deep. It runs the entire width of the lane so there is no avoiding it. It's right in the apex of a hard left leaning curve. Then to make things worse it's the same thing on the other side of the span. I'm just saying it looked pretty nasty to me. It looks as though it would make you skip and low side out to the right. I've only been riding about three years and I don't know what I'd do if I was on my bike and hit that thing. I can't believe noone has ever lost it on that bump. Any thoughts or previous experiences on this ramp? Jim
  20. I'll go $50 if you still have it. I have the team set for me and my wife and they work great B2B. Crystal clear!! I need another for my half helmet so it has to be a boom mic, not a corded mic. Jim
  21. You'd have to patch that from the inside but I wouldn't bother. That'll just tear off while in a corner and that would not be good.
  22. Where can I find a copy of what is taught at the Morotcycle Ohio training class? My wife wanted to learn to ride so I bought her I bike. She's got her permit and has been buzzing around the neighborhood. She's doing ok for a newbie. She's scheduled to take the class at Columbus State Comm. Coll. at the end of May so we have some time to practice. I'd like to find what is taught in the class so she can practice it before she goes. I took the course a few years ago but I don't remember everything we did. Does anybody have the instructor's book or know where I can find it? I haven't found anything on the BMV website or Motorcycleohio.com Thanks Jim
  23. What I hate is "Disrespected" as in, "The dude disrespected my mother". Disrespected is not even a word, let alone a verb. It should be "The dude was disrespectful to my mother", but that of course wouldn't be hip because it wouldn't be found in the Urban Dictionary.
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