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Everything posted by Jcarlson

  1. That sounds fun and all, but my issue is it takes me almost an hour just to get to 541 from Westerville, and another half hour to get to 60. I don't always have that kind of time. I wish they were closer to me. I know -Whaa Whaa Whaa!!
  2. Foreign labor is what killed the jobs in the first place. WTF are they thinking?
  3. I saw one curve on the return trip - heading west shortly after leaving Coshocton. Can't remember exactly where it was though. I'm thinking 541 @ TWP 310. It was downhill turn to the right, house at the bottom on the left. Lose it on that turn and you're in the guy's living room. Wonder if anyone ever has? I traced 79 N on Mapquest satellite pics. Looks fun as well. An earlier post recommended 60 to 36 as well.
  4. Try this searchengine - WWW.UNEEDAPART.COM They do cars and bikes. Also try Mrcycleparts.com
  5. Finally made the trip today. First off, Roscoe Village was, well, Roscoe Village. Been there , done that, don't know when/if I'll go back, but it was an ok day trip. Nothing to write home about but the General Store has good fudge. Now, 541. Man, what an interesting road. It like a freakin rollercoaster. Some of those hills you can't see the other side until you're over it and dropping off the edge of the Earth almost. Nice views but you can't take too much of then in or you're going off road real quick. Nice hills, awesome twisties. Was able to maintain between 45-60 mph but more toward 45 on the turns. Massive gravel on the S turn in New Guilford. Who the heck designed THAT piece of road? WTF is that intersection at 541 & 303? It's a Y intersection with no stop signs. Man, you could get nailed there something fierce on the return trip. Heading east it's just a continous lane for 541 but headed west 541 crosses 303 with no stop signs for anyone. Total ride time with a pit stop in Utica was 2 hrs each way (Mapquest says 1.5 hrs but they haven't been on those hills and turns) and given that it was 96 and humid as hell today that kind of made it miserable, but otherwise great run. Thanks guys for all the tips. On a scale of 1-6 gears I give Rt541 4 1/2 gears ONLY because of the gravel on some of the turns.
  6. Need to feed and clothe your family, and expect the government to pay for it? There are five branches of the military more than willing to help you out.
  7. Virgin skin here and am looking to get a tatt on my leg for starters. I need the best of the best for doing tatts from a photo. Who is it and wher are they located? Prefer somewhere NE Cbus if possible but anything will be considered as long as it's not in the hood or likewise.
  8. Does anybody out there do TIG welding? The pin that holds my kickstand spring in place broke off and I need it welded back on, or probably weld a nut in it's place. "Why not just buy a new kickstand?", you may ask? Because it's the pin that's welded to the frame, not the one welded to the kickstand. I know, sucks being me. It's the pin by the bolt - see attached pic. I'd prefer someone that does mobile welding as it's not really safe to ride with it flopping around, but if I have to travel I guess I could. We'll have to figure out some way of getting the bike high enough in the air so you could get underneath it, or we could just centerstand it and crawl under it.
  9. There's a new place that opened by me in the Giant Eagle Plaza corner of State St & Maxtown/Polaris pkwy in Westerville. It's called "Orange Leaf". It's not ice cream but rather frozen yogurt - self serve frozen yogurt. You go in and grab a bowl - either large or LARGER. There are eight self serve machines on the walls with different flavors. There are two flavors per machine and they can go together - like Pineapple and Coconut. Pull the left handle and you get one flavor, the the right handle you get the other, or pull the center and get a twist. It's a typical soft serve machine. You can take whatever kind(s) and however much you want. As you work your way toward the cashier you come to the toppings bar. Everything from fruit to nuts to cereal to syrups. When you get to the cashier you put your bucket on the scale. You pay by the ounce and it's $0.49 per oz. It's a little pricey and you'll think you were back in six grade with all the kids running around, but it's not a bad gig the guy has going on. It's worth trying atleast once, plus it'll give you a reason to ride!! My fav is Pineapple & Strawberry with Cap'n Crunch w/Crunch Berries, sliced strawberries, crushed graham cracker and Raspberry syrup!! It's da BOMB!! Go check it out and see for yourself. Jim
  10. Got caught in the rain today on the way home from work. TWICE!! It sucked! 670 E & 270 N about 4:15pm this afternoon. It sucked but I was smart enough to put on my rain suit while I was still downtown. It was 95 and sunny then and I was roasting my ass off. That sucked too. Got off 270 at 161, headed home to Westerville and it frickin POURED on me again. It sucked!! Did I mention that it sucked? Now I gotta wash my bike again.
  11. So when it's normal, is it "In Whack"? What exactly is 'Whack"? I've always wondered that. The things that make you say "Hmmmmmm...".
  12. I once had IP sync my carbs, only to take it to RMP two days later and they had to sync them again. I also took another bike (my new-er one)there to have the carbs cleaned and sync'd. The son of a guy I work with works there in the shop. The guy I work with went there one day for whatever and asked his son to show him my new bike. They searched the bay and couldn't find it. I know sometimes they they send stuff out - work they just don't do or if the bike is too old, but if you're going to farm it out tell me that so I can just take it there myself.
  13. Well I don't currently have a smartphone. I have a flip phone and it has VZ Navigator but that won't transmit via bluetooth. You have to have the phone open to use it and it only works on the phone speakers. It won't even work with an ear bud. I'm up for a renewal and figured I'd come into the 90's atleast and get a better phone, and one with BT/GPS would be the shit. My Cardo does phone, GPS, Bike to bike (up to two bikes), bike to rider and/or another bike, built in FM radio and MP3, all of which sound great. Good distance too - almost 1/4 mile depending. Probably about the same as Chatterbox I s'pose. Any other brands of phones do this?
  14. Perfect!! That's what I needed to know. Thanks guys!!
  15. Body Painted Colts Fan http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_DXfbDjZYtMM/TMCzP-0Pg7I/AAAAAAAAKUg/g1bTHJydL9c/s640/body+paint.jpg It's also a team building exercise
  16. I have a Cardo Scala Rider Q2 bluetooth commo system that we use when riding. It can receive GPS commands via bluetooth so I can hear them in my helmet speakers. The problem is the Garmin Zumo GPS that does this costs $700. Fuck that!! Most GPS units that have bluetooth use it for the phone so you can make calls through the GPS while driving. That's not what I want. My Cardo can do that too. I want to hear the driving directions inside my helmet. Is there a smartphone/app that can send GPS commands bluetooth to my helmet system?
  17. I think I heard that about five years ago in a bad email chain letter.
  18. For our next local excursion my wife and I want to check out Roscoe Village as suggested by another member on another thread I have going. We've never been there and the food and wine looks awesome, so why not make a sunny day of it, right? The route we want to take from Westerville is Smothers Rd across Hoover Res. to Harlem Rd, Harlem to Fancher, Fancher to Rt 62, 62 into Martinsburg then pick up 541 into Coshocton. 61 miles and 1 1/2 hrs-ish riding time each way. Not a bad little jaunt. Can anyone tell me what 541 is like? Mapquest sat pics show it as pretty hilly and twistie (that's a good thing), but is it a back country rd where I might hear some slanty eyed toothless f*ck playing banjo music or is it pretty safe with an occasional car/truck/tractor just in case something goes wrong? It looks pretty remote so I was just wondering. Rt36 looks better, more populated, more travelled, but we'd have to go way north from Martinsburg to get that and then back track a bit wasting time and gas. We could also take 161 into Newark then 16 in to Coshocton, but that's mostly highway and that's no fun. Let me know. Thanks!! Jim C.
  19. I've never done it on two wheels but rather on four. Go for it man!! It cleanses the soul. Neil Peart, the drummer from RUSH did it a number of years ago after his wife and daughter were died. He needed some headspace so he took off on his BMW. He rode 50,000 miles across the US Mexico and Canada. I don't think you want to go quite that far but get out there man. There is so much to this country besides beaches and hotels that people need to see. If you want to see America, stay off the highways as much as possible. Go Old Skool and take State routes and National routes. The small towns are where it's at. If you happen to make it into upstate New York, you've got to ride through Letchworth State Park. It's the Grand Canyon of the East. 17 miles of twists and turns, three waterfalls and awesome views. I practically grew up there. It's a sight to be seen. http://www.letchworthpark.com/ Also hit the Watkins Glenn area in NY too. http://www.watkinsglenchamber.com/ These places are in the Finger Lakes region of New York State. Some of the most beautiful scenary you'll ever see!! Enjoy
  20. All you'll find on the web are little business blurps about it. He's on Angie's list too so he must have done something right.
  21. Someone mentioned frozen custard!!! YUM, YUM!!! I'm originally from Rochester NY and we have Abbott's Frozen Custard and it's the best, hands down. Abbott's has been the Mecca of F.C. since dinosaurs roamed. I moved to C-bus in 1990 and was blown away by the fact there was no F.C. here. Not until the past five years or so did it make it's way down here. There are some good ones - like Whit's in Sunbury and Johnstown, but nothing compares to Abbott's. Sorry guys. http://abbottscustard.com/
  22. Who is the rider that works a Grange Insurance that rides the white cruiser? I work there too. I was parked next to you in the garage today and I saw your Ohio Riders sticker on your windshield. I ride the blue Kawasaki Concours. I also own the OSU bike but I haven't ridden it this year at all. I work in Comm Lines Appl IT. Give me shout or PM. Jim
  23. Hey Ben, sounds like you've been there done that. I could go for a good, thick bologna sandwhich about now - on fresh white bread with mustard and crunchy edges!! YUUUUUUMMMM!!
  24. Olive Green Cycle Works on Columbus St. in Sunbury is a good little shop. Head north on Sunbury Rd from 36/37, turn right when you hit 2nd gear. It's on the left by the auto parts store. Chris, the owner, is a straight shooter and all around good Joe. Cheaper than the other shops - $65/hr and he'll do ya right. Can handle all types of bikes and ATV's. He did all four carbs on my 06 Kaw Concours - bigger jets, cleaned the plugs, new OEM air filter - parts & labor $387.00 out the door. He's a busy guy so don't go there if you want your bike back the next day, but once you do he'll do you right!! M-F 10-6, Sat til noon. He's a good man Charlie Brown.
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