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Posts posted by mahdey

  1. i dunno, it was on my bike that was lowered 3 inches. It was raISED back to stock and i had to put a block of wood until the longer kickstand came in. It looks just like the factory kick stand.

  2. I just want everyone to know she lies and cheats...I don't need childish things like photoshop.

    Not to mention that I really really don't need to be thinking of what some other dude is doing to her right now...

    ya that'll make you sick in the stomach. Its day time over there...prolly around 6pm? Go play around with an MRAP or something.

  3. Wounds take time to heal and then your like if hadn't put my finger in the saw I wouldn't have gotten hurt. It hurts real bad, everything is crazy everything sucks, you put a band aid on it (alcohol-activities), then it starts to go away, itches a little, you might pick at the scab, then soon enough its all gone. You'll be fine in time. Your better than her.

    yup, thought i would never get over my ex, three weeks later i was railing another chick on the rebound.

  4. my fiancée is deployed right now and her being a woman its pretty hard. I trust her but i don't trust the men around her. She gets hit on all the time and i ask her, don't they see the ring. Her response is it doesn't matter, its my job to tell them to fuck off. She has friends that are men which is no problem, but what made me feel better was that she told me if one so much as tries anything she is putting her M9 to his head and walking over to legal.

    Now her being a soldier deployed we do have our arguments but we always manage to work past them. She does take her frustration out on me a lot but i set her straight i'm not the douche bag COL who is making your life hell. Its kind of hard for a CPT to vent when you are surrounded by gossiping little bitches that claw at any amount of weakness.

    But yeah, end of the day man, getting cheated on blows.

  5. well it just left lima and should be on its way to cbus. It was pretty heavy rain and localized flooding occurred because the drains couldn't keep up. yes i like storms, hence why i was driving in it. :)

  6. there are so many things wrong with that car....

    I do like the I support Israel one though

    don't like that one but opinions are opinions lol.

    The study was actually that people with stickers on thier vehicle were prone to be more aggressive.

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