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Posts posted by mahdey

  1. Holy bajebus, I just called progressive and the guy acted like he was offended that I said his rate was too high (~$20 more than what i'm paying now for slightly less coverage).... Then I called Gieco and for the coverage that I have now (which is goooood coverage that i'm thinking about reducing), they quoted me OVER $2K for my two bikes. OMG.

    I called your state farm dude but he's on vacay... hopefully he can hook me up with a good deal :)

    its ok, gecco qouted me 7k for my bike.

  2. so i assume you got that title in?

    i'm interested in seeing your bike, and how much better it is than my own


    no not yet, went to the parking lot next to my apartment complex

    you can take a gander at mine chachi. it'll blow your mind...

    mahdey - that bike is not a very good street bike, so if you're feeling uncomfortable or whatever just know that it wasn't made to be a comfy street bike.

    also if you're having trouble with turns... go faster. seriously.

    its not uncomfortable. I'm building up confidence to lean more and what not. I've ridden a bike down a street once and mopeds when i was younger. this is my first real bike. Yeah, i know its one helluva step up but for $2500 it was cheaper than getting a 250 ninja and out growing it in a month.

    oh and for turns i discovered that yesterday as well. It was a very productive hour of practice.

  3. Oh yeah! I took the MSF course last month and got all my gear. But I got the bike a week or so ago and want to be a bit more comfortable before I head out on the road. Figure 8s, quick stops, and some swerving are on the plate this week. And a trip to a quiet neighborhood.

    More cautious than necessary? Maybe. :dunno:

    If I get a lot of practice in this week, I'll ride the bike. Olentangy River Road seems like a good route to take.

    thats what i have been doing but the msf class is three months overbooked so i am learning on my own with my bike. Getting better. Just need to build up more confidence.

  4. I'm stationed in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan at KAIA (Kabul International Airport). Yeah, I have wireless, but I work a minimum of 12 hour days so I don't get to get online much after work because I don't have much time, and this military computer that I'm on is locked down tight. Thanks for the link, bro. I'll check it out later.

    my fiancee is at FOB shank, captain of the 24th FMCO over there. She was in Bagram last week. Imagine if you met her and knew her last name...small world it would be.

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