i sold my mustang 2day on crlist. and get this i had it on crlist for $7.000 last week and took it off cuz i was just thinking about keeping it and this guy calls me today and said do you still have the mustang 4sale i saw it the other day on crlist but dont see it on there now i was like yea i still have it but im thinking im just going to keep it now he said well if you dont mide can i still come take a look at it i was like yea thats fine he got to my house and 4real 10min later he said if you will take $7500 cash today ill take it i was like im only asking $7000 he said yea i know i was giveing you a extra $500 cuz you said you did not want to sell it anymore lol any1 ever here of anything like this b4????