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El capitan

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Posts posted by El capitan

  1. It was nice seeing all you guys again (and meeting a few new too). We had a good day of riding, I really enjoyed it. My wife said she had fun too, until I pissed her off on our last loop (sorry about that, shit happens and you learn from it). She was pretty pissed at me at the time for my little hiccup, but we can laugh about it now.

    i had visions of my wife telling me the exact same thing. its all good man, we've all been there. nice to meet you guys. we'll have to do it again for sure.

  2. the corner nearest to Canal and the Hoggy's windmill thing. I wasn't even gonna go because of the rain but my buddy showed up at my house and basically made me so we went up around 7, sold my jacket, won a few things then left. I don't think we were there much later than 8. I took the 636 too

    my bike had to be no more then 20 feet from you. haha.

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