from another article... Troopers noticed several violations on Caraboolad’s trailer and received his consent to search it, police said. Caraboolad told police one of the motorcycles inside the trailer was “questionable,” the court document said.
and here i was pissed because i got nailed for my plate mounting. he let me off on 58 in a 35, but gave me the plate ticket because its "angled up too much"
apparently in the deluge we had the other night the creek in the metro park overflowed. the bridge entering the park off of 82 got fucked by like 20 downed trees. it rain water caused a whole section of the asphalt to literally lift up and float about 20 feet away. i'll post up some pics in a bit, but if you want to enter the metro park i'm gonna guess the lower entrance is gonna be out of commission for a while.