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Posts posted by YSR_Racer_99

  1. Okay, on the constant "Fair & Balanced" swipes by the LWNJ's: What other network offers even a HINT of the right wing/ conservative view? Unless its a five-on-one presentation like "The View": Nobody. Nearly every Fox segment offers "presenters" from both sides of the issue. Seriously. And to even insinuate that "the media is slanted to right" is laughable, wrong, and ignorant. Stats prove it. Your media dominates in numbers, and helps to perpetuate the White House agenda and lies.

    I am SO SICK of liberal lies and distortion, and the fact that they can't put any blame on Obama (78+ days of oil spewing into the gulf, but don't be started on that one), but try to give him credit for things he didn't do. Like Biden, last week, trying to give Obama credit for "winning" in Iraq. Are you KIDDING ME?? And nobody calls him on it. Nobody. And his mindless, hateful, distorted little minions keep drawing hateful, deceitful cartoons.

    Facts show that liberals are much more racist than conservatives. It would now seem that the liberals are getting all that they wanted from Obama, and they're STILL pissed off. Angry. Spiteful. Mean. Pissy. Whiney. Name-calling, finger-pointing, sniveling little minions. Brainwashed by their teachers and professors to hate this country, and to feel guilty about being Americans. I refuse to feel guilty about being American, and will never apologize for it. Thank God that when I was in school (I'm 42), they taught us to honor America. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. We were taught that America IS exceptional and great. My niece graduated from OSU a couple of years ago. Went into the college as a conservative, came out as a sniveling snot-nosed hypocritical liberal. Whines about injustice while telling us about the "great wines" she is learning about. Then quits her social-work type job to work as a private-care autism attendant because SHE COULD MAKE MORE MONEY. If she were true to her convictions, she'd give the new "extra" money to the less fortunate. I'm guessing that she won't.


  2. When does anything start being "Obama's fault"? When does he take responsibility for anything, instead of trying to convince us that this is the "Summer of Recovery", when absolutely NOTHING indicates ANY improvement? In 1932 (Great Depression), unemployment was about 23.5%. Right now, our "real number" unemployment is around 19%. Liberals believe that if you tell a lie enough times, that it eventually becomes truth. The media caused this recession/ downturn/ whatever you want to call it. Things were actually pretty good, with unemployment hovering around 5%. The media started talking nightly about how bad things were. Not many of us were having troubles or feeling any pinch, but they wanted to make Bush look bad for the upcoming election. Most of us were doing fine, but getting the impression from the news idiots on a constant basis that things were getting really bad. We started pulling back, spending less, eating out less, buying less bike stuff. Whatever. We all pulled in, and thus began the contraction. Not buying as much stuff, so less was manufactured, so people got laid-off, and so on.

    The media started this mess, because of politics.

    We're America. We'll survive. But first we have to negate the Socialist and his ilk. He was raised to hate America (research his upbringing and history), and will do as much damage as possible. He's shown over and over already that he doesn't care what The People want. He's out to overwhelm with his agenda. He lied to every single group he could in order to get elected. He talked a center-left agenda on the campaign trail, and once in office, started right away to show his intentions.

    Liberals hate wealth, except their own. Hypocrites, especially the "rich" ones. I think that any true liberal should live on $12k a year. That would cover a small apartment (small carbon footprint, right?), food, and bus tokens. If they make more than that, they should give it to the "less fortunate" (in America, "less fortunate" means that your flatscreen TV is less than 50". The "less fortunate" in America have cell phones, cable/ dish, and flatscreens). Those idiots standing out in front of the burnt butter Jesus a few weeks ago saying "I can't believe they'll rebuild it. That money could be put to better use by helping the less fortunate" make me sick. Then they got in their $27k Subaru's or Volvo's and went to their overpriced converted lofts downtown, where they live so they don't contribute to "urban sprawl", but instead make their weekly trek to Ikea out in the 'burbs.

    If you're gonna force your ignorant and hypocritical lifestyle down my throat, you better start living it like you mean it first. I don't WANT mercury-filled twisty bulbs that hurt my eyes. The fact that you put them in your carriage lights, then leave them on 24/7 doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it?

    I don't understand how one can live in this great country, can benefit from all that we have and the lifestyles that we enjoy (yes, where the "poor" have cell phones and flatscreens), yet bash it at every turn and want to convert it to a model of government (Socialism) which has been shown over and over that IT WON'T WORK. Inherently, it can't work. And it won't.


  3. Still waiting on evidence of the racism which liberals keep accusing the Tea Partiers of. Wasn't it Bill Clinton who said to Kennedy "a few years ago, (Obama) would have been bringing us coffee". I don't think Clinton is a Tea Partier.

    Interesting how Armogida manages to bash religion, demean patriotism (poking fun at respecting the National anthem), and make baseless accusations against people whom she doesn't agree with. As usual, a "compassionate liberal" who wants everyone to be viewed as, and treated as, equal, fails to be able to do the same. Hypocrisy is status quo.

    Name-calling, finger pointing, and projectionism are their M.O.

  4. I gave up on Metallica shortly after Justice, I think. I was at the li-berry not too long ago, and they had Death Magnetic, so I checked it out. I was blown away. Its MUCH more like their old stuff. Not Load, not ReLoad. None of that crap. I'm listening to DM quite a bit. I was pleasantly surprised. I'm an old metal head, and listen to a wide range of stuff. Current favorite is 5FDP. If you're a metal head, and haven't checked it out, give Hard Drivin' Radio on the net a try. Not the same dozen songs over and over.

  5. In my mind, its MUCH more fun to ride a slow bike fast than ride a fast bike slow. I geek for another 1000cc bike, but LOVE to wring the snot out of my 250. Unless you're on a track, there's no real reason to have a huge motor. Not that I don't WANT a bigger bike pretty often, but every time I get off of my zinger, I'm smilin'.

    Congrats. Thats a beautiful bike. I'm just down the road, near Ridgeville on 48.

  6. I've lived in the Dayton area for 26 years (most of my life) and have never seen nor heard about any of this. But then, I'm public-school edumacated. 'nuff said. Orrrrr, maybe I'm just not one of the enlightened ones....

  7. Okay, so in light of that confusion (who was to post the next tag), I hope I didn't go to the tag site for nothing. What an INCREDIBLE day for a ride! Will post the next tag tomorrow (Sun). If anyone has an issue with me posting the next tag, speak up (again, due to the confusion).


  8. It could have just as easily been the main church itself, or a house, or a tree. I'm guessing that the steel framework would make a great antenna.

    I live about 15 minutes from this. Its made national news today. My brother em'ed me from Houston (TX, not OH) this morning with the news...

    How ironic, though, that the Hustler Hollywood sign down the street is untouched.

    I'm a faithful Christian, and not reading anything at all in to this. Its just one of those things.

    I DO have a hard time believing that it cost $500k. Thats crazy. Maybe that was for the pond and everything. I would think they'll rebuild.

    FWIW, I've never attended that church, but know people who have, and they like it. Its gotten some of them through some hard times. I may not (or may) agree with their doctrine or practice, but if they're legitimately helping people and bringing them to Christ, that can't be a bad thing in my eyes.


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