i have a 96 katana750, Vortex sprockets (+1,-1) DID chain, 8000k HID (55watt, not the dim 35watt), cobra slip-on dual exhaust, battery last year, new brakes this spring, one more season left on the tires or more depending how u ride, multi color led lights thru out the fairings. ive had this bike for 4 yrs now and its been great..i ride it almost everyday as long as its above 50degrees. changed the oild twice a year and run Lucas fuel stabilizer all the time to keep the carbs clean. unforntunetly one of our cars is down and we dont have the cash to fix it right now so im lookin to sell/trade my bike for a decent truck/car..$3,000 o.b.o. price is negotiable...if ur interested ill send a pic cuz for sum reason it wont let me upload them.....thanks