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Everything posted by IVRINGS

  1. Did she go spray tanning just before the interview on the darkest setting?
  2. Well glad things worked out Tim. I can't wait to get a new fridge, but like you said above they aren't cheap. I just picked up a vent and cooktop a few weeks ago from the whirlpool warehouse around the corner from your office. Maybe after my job swap I will be able to do more, but we are about make the move I think soon on the job.
  3. I use this also, but I do a lot on Hulu plus($7.99 a month). One on my friends at work said look up project free tv.
  4. I picked up a set of Skull Candy 50/50 for my iPhone and love them. They give you some extra bass from the stock apple ones and has the rubber ends to seal them up in your ears. Also they have the apple controls built into them so I can take calls and use them just like the apple ones.
  5. That sounds great to have! One day I will have that.
  6. That sound cool, but what kinda pricetag does that come with? Also how much per month?
  7. I love the HPS I had on my car and my wife's. Dusting isn't bad at all compared to stock pads.
  8. Looks like I'm going to have to try out some RedMax after all the people that are using them daily love them. I just had never heard of them before, but I guess it is due to I'm not a pro lawn man.
  9. I think the idea of someone cutting them out and replacine that part is the best idea.
  10. How long have you had them, and did you get them from VOSS?
  11. Or while you are over at my place you can try it out, but I need to check how bad this little kitchen update is going to cost me before I do anything. My wife looked at me like I was well :dumb:

    Yard waste

    I have a pile I've been slowly burning over the last year after I moved in and trimmed everything up.
  13. Hell Yes! Always kinda had a thing for red heads.
  14. I'm also trying to look into RedMax since Brian said something in that other post, I'm having a hard time finding prices local vs online. Shmaa I might have to try those out since Home Depot seems to have them
  15. My bad! Hey last time I asked about something I found we have a Whirlpool guy that saved me a lot of money. :fuckyeah: Maybe I should of just said anyone got a hook up?
  16. Same with me I always found keeping good gas and the right mix of oil was the only thing I ever really needed to do. I also just found that Cub Cadet makes trimers, but I think they might be rebadged. Both models have bigger motors, but I don't really need more weight when having to carry it around for a while. Anyone know about this? Cub Cadet 27cc Cub Cadet 29cc
  17. Let me here what you think. I've always have had good luck with my Echo's when I bought new, but the one I have now was not treated to well. So after spending 50-60 bucks doing a few updates to it I'm just going to buy new unless my brother-in-law works some magic. This is the one I thinking of getting since it is the intro stright shaft that I can get some attachments for. Echo SRM-225 Maybe this one too, but never used a Toro Toro Model 51974


    I edited with money if you didn't see.

    UPS Question

    After two or three times they just leave you a message that you can pick it up at the XXXX location at XXXX time. I try to time it for my days off so I don't have to do anything, but now I just ship everything to my work address. That way someone is always here even if I'm off. My boss just laughed when she saw the guy with my bumper that all boxed up.
  20. I know two people that have done very good on that site. If you do the gift cards go for the bigger ones they say. They say also to watch for a week to at what prices things go for.
  21. I dropped mine off there Monday morning. I can't wait to get them back.


    Wan to trade a red remote for a white one? Say 30 bucks plus trade. Mine is the style with the added bottom motion plus thing.
  23. Sounds like you guys worked it out. Glad I could help
  24. I think my boss did the thin slab thing over her counter top to save money and give the same look, but I dont think you can leave hot things on it for long since its not very thick.
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