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Everything posted by IVRINGS


    I Hate You

    LoL It shows your intelligence by playing dumb, but I guess that is what happens when you must pay people to do work on your cars?

    I Hate You

    So his mommy gave him the money?

    I Hate You

    So what you have money! Sounds like it is going to your head bro. All I said is that I have stuff to pay for. Stop being all to good for your self and eat the wheaties and forget the turboes.

    I Hate You

    LoL and I'm laughing cause it is a real thing.

    I Hate You

    Well I guess I should put the turbo that is in the garage on for the winter. Keep you car and in the Summer we will race. If I didn't buy the ring and have the wedding I could do something instead of say something, but I'm happy that I pick what I did.

    I Hate You


    I Hate You

    Guess you need to read up. http://members.shaw.ca/toyota_cavalier/

    I Hate You

    I bet the first time that kicks in you will be shitting your pants.

    I Hate You

    At least it is still not a Neon.
  10. WoW that is going to blow if you didn't do that. I never like to read those things, but in games like that you would be lost if you didn't.

    I Hate You

    Damn I don't know the people in this post to say anything.... Guess I'm open game.
  12. Discount Tire.... I worked there for about a year till I moved on to not smelling like a tire. That gets old quick, and my car thanks me everyday.
  13. If he upgraded whouldn't he go with something other then a ford? He could of done that, but I know he likes his yellow cars.
  14. I see... I work over here at the Mattress Firm 2-3 doors South of you. I always see you leaving work, and just saw you keep a clean car. I feel bad with the beaters looking the way they do when I see you car drive by. Clean car...
  15. I dont' know if he has a mustang, but last I remembered it was a Yellow Fuckus.
  16. Did you want me to put that to a beat?
  17. I'm breathing over here just fine bro. It all was just people having fun and messing around, then someone got on a power trip, and then someone else. Now we are here with a point made about someone being a dick, and I'm fine not being in the SR members. Just if I could I was going to be, but it is just something under your name people. Don't freak out here.
  18. Discount Tire FTW! James on Sawmill was one of the best people to work for ever.
  19. I've not got a chance to really see the wheels. I just always hear him leaving there, and I look up as he starts to fly by. Sounds like the same car though.
  20. Who's car is it really? Tilley it is not yours.
  21. So you are going to bann me for pointing something out that is listed plain as day? This so called Kitchen was made for this kinda thing right? I'm not cryin' a sad song or anything here, but I guess if you can't stand the heat of me being right. I guess this tread is done huh. Cause no matter what I say someone is going to say get the sand out of my V, or better yet put a cork in it cause I said so.
  22. I was just rolling with it, but I did find out that my post didn't go up just after I posted that. Thanks.
  23. I know all of this. Chris Green is one that got me to be on this site to start with. My ex HotlilCavZ was my girl at the time I found out about the site, and then when I moved up here I needed a car to get around so I got a car. Chris was a great guy that gave me a steal on the 2M4 that he had. So with dealing with him I found that I can get some help from people that know there stuff instead of some jackasses that are not very helpfull, and lets face it you guys are being O so helpfull right now huh.
  24. I could care less about my post. So there is no motivation behind it for that.
  25. LoL I have such a complex since I have 3 of them... Try my intro post that I tried to come back and say a little something about me what like a few weeks ago.
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