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Posts posted by tachman

  1. mmm hmmm.. :p

    lol, mikey can verify. Heck he was even there when I dropped a 10mm nut down through the cylinder head cover on my CB550 when I was putting the motor back together. I was ragedddd. lol. I'll always put rags when working with a open engine from now on.... :D

    As much as I would love to join everyone on this ride I am just not confident enough in my riding skills to keep at a steady pace with everyone.I not Tachman have only been riding for about a month and a half.So maybe by the end of Summer when i get a few more thousand miles under my belt I will attend one of these group rides.Right now I just dont want to piss anyone off or make people feel like they have to wait for me.I dont want to be that guy.

    I thought you and abby stopped for coffee when kevin and I decided to have a duel, lol!

  2. 5 bikes in 5 years? Rich, wrecked them, or financially irresponsible? :p;):lol:

    haha, no. Never been down on a bike, well. a minibike once, lol!

    The previous 4 were ones I restored, to sell and make a proft, and work my way up to an R6. :D

    in this order, '76 DT175 Enduro(doenst really count, never went on the road with it), '76 KZ400, '73 CB360, '76 CB550, '78 XS750

  3. You shouldn't be drinking this early in the day.

    You might need to understand a little better what I said. The pace between the curves will be about 70 MPH; no one is expecting you to go quickly through the turns. Going quickly through the curves requires skill that you shouldn't have only riding a month and a half. Riding 70 MPH in a straight line doesn't require much skill. I want to be very clear with you that it is very easy to get sucked in over your head on rides like this with your experience level, do not try to keep up with anyone ever, ride your own pace and to your skill level. Wrecks change the mood of the whole ride; I would rather wait for someone than wait for the helicopter to take them to the hospital.

    I've only been on the forum for a month and a half, I've been riding quite a bit longer than that, actually got my full endorsement when I was 17, I'm 22 now. the R6 is bike #5 for me

  4. I'm not saying I'm a slow rider, but i have never been on these roads. I am more cautious on rodes i have never been on. I don't want to sound like a newb but I'm not sure of my skill level either. But i don't keep my bike upright in turns nor do i keep a slower pace. This is starting to sound like an expert only ride... Id like to join but i don't want to get bitched at if i may take a turn at a novice pace..

    I kinda feel the same way, the picture that UP painted, I guess I just picture knee dragging. Maybe I'm assuming the fastest pace, Idk.

    I just dont want to get in someones way or piss someone off.

  5. I have no issue with doing 70 on the way there, or going quick through the turns.

    I can't imagine you all will be riding super close to each other in the turns, although I'm pretty confident that I can hold my line in a turn, just as long as you guys arent doing knee-dragging speeds, lol!

    If anything, I would opt for an intermediate group, since I've only ridden with at most 3 other people, never done a group ride before

  6. I have been riding around the lorain area this weekend and I am the only person that wears a helmet. What is that about?

    hey hey! I was out and about all weekend, and there I was donning my helmet and other gear.

    I was hiding from you, you limey bastid!!!!

  7. :) woah.

    so, tachboy, here is my advice to you. if you ever want to do something with people on the board, set a time/date/location and tell people about it. If you have any doubts about my advice, find the thread where we tried to figure out where this year's bike night would be.... :)

    LOL, thanks MJ. I'll keep that in mind when I post something up next

    I was SUPER tired last night, rode pretty much all day, and ended up being a DD for my buddy.

    and........I'm not a boy, I'm a man! :moo:

  8. Hang around for awhile, they make a showing here and there but dont usually last to long.

    That's kinda how R6-forum.com is, alot of the members are huge advocates for wearing proper gear, and not riding like you belong in a sears hardware store(tools, lol)

  9. This is what makes OR what it is, and it's awsome. You'll find some of the best people to be around right here.

    Seems pretty cool, looking forward to events and such, to meet youpeople.

    then you can be like HEY, thats tachman, the silly bastid with a headlight out in his avatar!!!11!1!!

    I don't see too many squids on here, which is cool, nor do I see any "kill stories" or "d00d, totally hit over 9000MPH today"

    Seems like people on here are pretty responsible riders....or at least dont share doing anything stupid on here.

  10. I was 20 and left home.. 23 when I bought my house.. No excuses tachboy!

    Oh psh. Did you buy on your own credit?

    I've had to pay my college from the getgo, car insurance, payment, cell phone, and other things, my parents cant afford to help me, would be nice, some friends I have turned out that way, but I suppose it builds character.

    Werd, I bought my house a month after I turned 22.

    I had to settle for Elyria though -- tachboy is too smug to leave the rich neighborhoods of Avon.

    I am smug, I only drink tasty beer, which unfortunately tends to be pricey....


    My driver and landscape crew just lol'd while my houseboy nodded in agreement. I wish they would all just leave my pool crew alone so they could get my hot tube ready for me so that when I am done with my massage that includes a happy ending me and Ms January can just hop into it

    LOL gary. Say lets go to caribou in avon, and be smug, sit on the patio, and just stare at our bikes for a few hours, k?


  11. you buying??

    and what about ladies? you scared?

    No, I'm not buying lol! ........maybe.(forrest gump voice) Momma said thems womens is dangerous.

    LOL, I forget about the girls on here, ok, you women can come, just please, don't bring Oprah.

    tachman is throwing all of us a BBQ at his fancy Avon digs? That's the rumor I'm spreading anyway..

    I'll bring the 'tater salad.

    LOL, doubt my parents would go for that

    Avon ! I will wear my tux

    haha, Tux, I AM a smug bastid from Avon, if you don't like caviar and uhhhh (insert something really expensive and horrible tasting here) then you aren't welcome!

  12. I was kind of hoping you were brilliant and being funny with that comment asking him where he was from. That would have been very funny if you were doing it on purpose.

    There is nothing wrong with not knowing something if you have never been exposed to it before. You will need a little more time to get the whole picture I'm afraid. You don't appear to be afraid of being wrong and seem to have thick skin; you'll do alright if your skin stays thick while you make some more rookie mistakes. Keep it up though because it is quite entertaining.

    LOL, yeah......... about that..... :o

    Smaller forums have a group of people that know each other, and have their inside jokes, at least its fun learning this stuff eh?

  13. This is why you might have needed a little more time here before engaging folks.

    Chicken strips are meaningless when being used to judge riding ability. I have some fairly large strips on my bike where I used to use the whole tire. I ride faster now than I did then but have since learned how to ride better. I have the extra tire there if needed to get out of a bad situation but find it unnecessary to use at a controlled street riding pace.

    needed more time, because I asked the guy where he was from?

    I dont exactly follow, but then again, I've had more than a few beers.... :cheers:

  14. Welcome.

    Wait a minute, chick rider, and this thread hasn't gone to 10 pages yet? whats wrong?


    "pumpkin license"

    Thats funny, cause the other day I told my friends that my buddy would turn into a pumpkin when it gets dark, since he has his temps as well.


  15. Not much room left in here with all of these ego's. I have picked on some newbs in my day but it seemed like the kind we don't need around here. These guys don't seems that bad, but I'll hold judgement.

    Thanks mate. Say, british riders of USA? Where from across the pond are you from originally? My grandmother is from manchester

    I hope not.

    Last thing I need is to get rear-ended by a shittygsxr.


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