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Everything posted by mrs.cos

  1. To me knickknacks are one thing, wedding rings, jewelry are another. I mean you no disrespect, seriously, I just know to me, the o ly thing of my grandparents to me that would be importAnd would be the wedding/ engagement rings. I weAr my great grandmothers wedding ring, and will till either my sister or I have kids. It's neither here nor there. I have a contact who deals in old antique jewelry like this, if you want thier info, let me know.
  2. I think construction is set to begin in the spring. They were waiting for the zoning to go through if i recall correctly.
  3. There has been some serious discussion about them on COS, and current cost of even small household ones doesnt seemto balance out long term costs, also, if you buy a house in collumbus unless its way tall, most neighborhoods will block enough of the wind to keep it from being efficient.
  4. Dont you have any brothers or sisters who have kids? A family peice like that seems a terrible shame to sell.. Good luck with your sale if you do still continue to sell it.
  5. Argh!??!! what is this meeting for and why wasnt it posted on the facebook page?
  6. Cell Phones for Life PROVIDING EMERGENCY USE CELL PHONES FOR THE ELDERLY, DISABLED, & BATTERED WOMEN'S SHELTERS Their website is terrible, and there are local shelters you can donate too as well, but im too lazy and sick right now to lazywebz for you.
  7. McAfee is a waste of your money, just an FYI.. Add Super AntiSpyware to your list of cleaners and throw in CCleaner as well Virus cleaner wise, check out Microsofts Securty Essentials.. Incoming Wall of information..
  8. Why don't you advertise on craigslist?
  9. We use pet safe ice melt which is supposed to be safe for concrete
  10. So.. my upper level HD channels arent working, so i call WOW, and they say cable is out in Columbus area due to a fiber line being cut with no estimated uptime available. if thats the case, why do i still have some of my HD channels? Dont they all run on the same line?
  11. someones got his fat panties in a bunch
  12. Yah thanks Brian, now i have to go get tacos
  13. A flop just like the Corn Tortillas
  14. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQEak84k800DMWWB0qE7z-uv8pBK2j1-shKdJqnhx4nZbqsl1lCwipCDw
  15. We have a Vanguard account, but thats about as much as i know about it.. I think its a IRA.
  16. What "detail" is she looking for in the bow?
  17. If you are dumb enough to post your shenanigans online... Or too dumb to figure out privacy settings....well let's just say, you probably aren't going to get the job anyways.
  18. My dad freaked out and quit facebook when his sister posted a picture of him from junior high.. the rest of my family is on it, including my husbands.. I dont trust facebook, at all, but i stay connected with so many people this way that i hate to leave it.
  19. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7169/6509027275_1235186baa_b.jpg IMG_0103 by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr
  20. Yah, its a bit over red.. but i wanted feedback of the black and white part before playing with anything else.. I use Lightroom, now instaed of photoshop, so i am learning how to do things in there That picture is nice enough that i wouldnt do the select color personaly, but if thats what the customer asked for, not much you can do..
  21. And here is what i did with it.. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7023/6508326201_717fb662a4_b.jpg not my photo by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr
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