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Posts posted by sParkSnare

  1. Laughing @ myself...

    Yesterday afternoon on Hilliard-Rome Road I saw a rider on a gixxer w/ tennis shoes, shorts, sleeveless t-shirt, no helmet, and what I thought was a vest w/ back armor. I was so confused... I've decided it probably was a cooling vest - I didn't even know such a thing existed.

  2. I'm a Nikon guy so I can't give you a specific recommendation, but I'd go with a prime in the 20 to 24 effective focal length range and as low of an f-stop as possible. It's really tough to beat a fast prime for quality landscape pics in the morning or evening when the sun is going to provide more dramatic lighting.

  3. I don't mean to sound like I think all LEOs are assholes, but I venture to say the majority of them are. And I say this with nothing more then 2 speeding tickets on my record, so it is not that I am generally a trouble maker and blame LEOs because I can't follow rules. I say this based on growing up in a LEO house, and seeing and hearing them talk about the public in general.

    Gotta disagree with this. My dad was law enforcement and 1of my best friends is a Columbus cop, and I hang out w/ him and his cop pals quite a bit, and I think they're generally good people. I agree they talk trash - but so do I and I'm a pretty decent person most of the time. I also think much of their "attitude" is more bravado than anything else. Not to justify any cop being an asshat, but much of the time they're dealing with people who are the dregs of humanity and/or just butt fucking stupid. Constantly dealing with douchebags may make some cops somewhat jaded - it would me - but I don't think that makes the majority of them assholes.

    IMO the perception of cops is very similar to the perception of bikers. A person may not think much of bikers in general because of the actions of a small percentage and, similarly, a person may not think much of cops because of the actions of a small percentage. The majority of both groups is much more similar to the "general public" than dissimilar, but those aren't the ones who make headlines or stick in our memories.

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  4. So if we're gonna start declaring war on ideas, I think religion (an afterlife) should be included on the chopping block.

    :confused: You may not have intended to be funny, but to suggest any type of meaningful or intelligent discussion could occur on this forum re: the most passionately debated and controversial topic in the history of mankind is simply laughable.

    Smells like trolling to me...

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