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Posts posted by sParkSnare

  1. Per another thread (http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=94508) and someone else's ingenuity, a number of OR members are downloading/using Waze on their iPhone or Android and joining the Ohio Riders group that Ben set up awhile ago. The OR user names - Waze user names I know are below. Please post your Waze name if you decide to join the cool kids...

    Casper - bstillman

    TheBrown57 - TheBrown57

    CrazySkullCrusher - skullcrushah

    sParkSnare - sParkSnare

    Mary#17 - Marymisk

    Bad324 - Bad324

    idiodishez - idiodishez

    jdonn - jdonn

    There are a number of other members in the Waze group, but I don't know their OR user names...

    Mods, sticky please?

  2. What a complete and total waste of taxpayer funds, regardless of what the verdict would have been.

    Absolutely agree, but the complete and total waste of taxpayer funds started much earlier, when Congress inserted itself into the PED issue to start with. It was absolutely idiotic for anyone in Washington to even voice an opinion, not to mention hold hearings, re: whether a baseball player, or every baseball player, was on the juice.

  3. I'd highly recommend using a buyer's agent rather than a general real estate agent. I've used a buyer's agent for each (both) of my home purchases and wouldn't do it any other way. There's lots of info on the internet re: the benefits of using a buyer's agent so I won't get into that. PM me if you want to know who I used when I bought my house in Hilliard - I've recommended him to several friends and they've all been very happy with him.

    Also, here's a Columbus Dispatch article I just found that you may find helpful:


  4. I think I can sum this up: Don't be a dick to people. If you aren't a dick to people, don't go around trumpeting the fact that you aren't a dick to people and expect kudos. If you are a dick to people, expect a like response in return when you go around trumpeting that you don't give a fuck and it's all about me.

    Seriously, y'all need to get over yourselves.

    No one is expecting kudos for not being a dick. One also could have summed it up by stating some people thank people in the military for their service, some people don't thank people in the military for their service, and other people get pissed off because people in the military are thanked for their service.

  5. My dad, uncle and grandfather were in the military. I couldn't care less about a person's motivation for joining the military/where he or she was stationed/etc. He or she made a sacrifice for our country that I haven't and therefore deserves my respect and thanks. As such, whenever I see a service member in public, I tell him or her thanks for serving. I've taught my kids to do the same. IMO, it's simply the right thing to do.

  6. I can't speak to anything re: medicare or a VA hospital, but one of the questions on the "medical history" form at a sleep disorders doctor I started going to several months ago included a question asking whether I had firearms in my house. I'll try to remember to get a copy of the form the next time I'm there.

  7. Scott, although we've never met, my mom had cancer and, at least from my perspective, we have a common bond because of that mutual experience. My prayers are with you and your family. If you ever need anything, please ask.

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