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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them." -John Bernard Books (The Shootist)

    "Lifes tough, but its tougher when you’re stupid"-Sergeant John M. Stryker (Sands of Iwo Jima)

  2. Check the condition of your soil, ph level and all. Cukes and melons need good drainage as well as an abundance of sun. Cukes do not like manure too well, think its too 'hot' for them. I like to use miracle grow on them, or an off brand that has the same specs. After the have leafed out, and before budding, there is a beetle that likes to get into the stems and suck them dry killing them off, so in early June I take powdered Sevin and dust the entire plant. Those beetles like to lay eggs on the underside of the leaves and are pretty difficult to just rub off. So its best to get the sevin on before they are laid. With good rainfall you have to keep on with the sevin applications. At least this is how I go about it. We usually have dukes, water melons, musk melons and acorn squash. Bad thing with vine plants like this is they take a large area for each plant. Usually not so good for small garden plots. My garden is about 50 x 50 and even then its tight.

  3. I read that another thing to consider is the order in which ammo orders will be filled. The govt 1st, Leo's 2nd and retailers 3rd. While normally this is prudent, considering the govt has been buying up huge caches of .40 cal's along with other sizes, it could be even longer for this all to filter down to the retail level and I'm betting the pricing will reflect the law of 'supply and demand'. The last gunshow I went to recently, here locally, there were lots of guns all priced at premium prices, and very little ammo. One box (20 rds) of Fed premium .40 S&W went for over $30, nearly double what it sold for last year. Circleville Walmart's ammo shelves are empty save for a few boxes of shotgun shells. Its what the British call a 'sticky wicket'.

  4. So being able to afford nice things for your kids is now frowned upon? Also, since when did giving nice things to your kids and spending time with them become mutually exclusive? If I have a kid and I feel that he/she has earned a iPhone for doing something that went above and beyond, and it's within my budgetary resources to buy said iPhone, then my kid's getting an iPhone.

    Blah blah blah.....either you just don't get it or you're just trying to piss on common sense. Either way you're not worth the effort to refute such idiocracy.

  5. lol Tonik. Parents for the most part are struggling, both of them working. Seems the feel its the schools responsibility. Not all parents, but the majority. They buy them everything instead of expecting them to work and earn it themselves. They buy them cellphones, not just any ol cell, but an I Phone, and not an older model, the newest version, then pay for their phone plan.....instead of spending time with them and nurturing them. Yep, its f'd up for sure.

  6. This could a be a two-fold bonanza. Helping the kids and the schools while the dads might learn something themselves!

    Seriously it sounds like an outstanding approach at least as a beginning. Glad to hear of it. Being out of work, if it began here locally I would have to strongly consider adding my name to the list of volunteers.

  7. So we all should set up a ride for, say, May or so. Should be some better riding weather, roads should be washed off by then. I'm south of Columbus an hour or so. Some might be north equally as far. We can make it a centralized meet up spot and go from there. I'm not as familiar as others about good routes but I can say the area near and around Millersburg and the Amish areas is beautiful but lots of 4 wheel traffic. Might not work well for a good ride.

    Lets try to set something up.......

  8. .......... we need laws and those people enforcing them.

    While I read and understand what MeefZah was saying, the obvious bypassing of enforcing basic traffic laws probably has more bearing on shit that happens on the road than speeding does. Whether people including Leo's, think its chickenshit, enforcement of all the laws is a necessity.

    Also, hearing about people, especially Leo's, caught speeding at 30-80+ mph over the posted limit with some failing breathalizer tests by double or more the legal limit, then getting off with mere slaps on the wrists is the total horsechit.

    Enforce the freaking law, all the laws, equally without prejudice or favoritism. If the fines need to be raised to cover costs, then do it.

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