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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. I've been putting off a couple of medical issues myself....although I can sit without pain.  I have finally resigned myself to surgery's but am going to wait until late fall early winter.


    Since dad was found to have cancer to which he lost the battle, I have had a hard time with doctors.  But I think with some issues the only way to find relief is to do what the medical experts tell you to do.  It sucks, but its real.  2tall, I sure hope you get it taken care of but can still fit your plans into the picture.  But from the sounds of it maybe your issue is one you shouldn't fook around with.....no pun intended......or maybe there was!


    Best of luck bro.....

  2. I've got the Scala G4 and until recently it was great.  Then the wifes scala stopped working.  Called Cardo and went through their checks and they finally just had me send it back for a new one.  Can't beat that.

  3. I ride what you guys call a couch, a cruiser, because my back just can't take the leaning forward.  Sad to think most of my riding years are behind me now, but there was a day when I loved hill climbing and trail riding.  Not so sure I am limber enough for that anymore either...lol.  So I ride a cruiser, need a backrest, but hey, I am out riding, and that's what counts.  If I was a younger man like most here I would probably have bikes from different  style groups too.

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  4. Hearing loss in motorcyclists: occupational and medicolegal aspects (NIM.GOV article)

    Noise on a motorcycle that can cause hearing loss comes from a variety of sources on and around the motorcycle.

    Some of these frequencies can hardly be heard normally, but still cause permanent hearing loss at other frequencies.



    High speed on a motorcycle can generate enough noise to cause hearing loss,

    Similar results are seen in noise environments industry wide.

    Common results of excess noise (particularly above 110db at any frequency):


    loss of audible signals




    increased risk of accidents

    hearing loss



    And as far as I know hearing loss is gone forever, it doesn't heal and get better.


    I use those cheapo construction earplugs (foam kind) when on long trips.  Its amazing how much better you feel after 8 hrs riding with ear plugs compared to without.

  5. ... Well just for a couple of months at least. I got a job up in Maine flying sky divers :D I am up this week for training and then I will be back for about a week and a half packing up then I will be gone until the weather turns to shit again. Bad news- I won't be able to make it to anything. Good news- I am actually getting paid to fly and will be able to save up for another bike! Chances are I will have a going away drinking thing before I leave.

    Congratulations on the opportunity! Hope everything works out for the best!

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