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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. No reason to get all but hurt and pout because someone said something to you.

    You can do both man, just tone down the sig a tad.

    No sense showing your a$$.

    It was pointed out by a mod and I responded accordingly. You want to make a comment about something I've done, pm me anytime. Call me out in public and you get a like response.

    I have no problem with anyone here and will show anyone respect until someone gets in my face.

  2. Missing the point of the loss to Columbus in all this? I hate most stuff in the city but this is going to be rather significant to the city tax base. Supposedly the city offered lots of incentives but there must be some underlying issues based on BE CEO's response that the truth will come out soon.

  3. Stopped by there once. My grandparents lived in Portsmouth, so used to go through Chilli to get there. Always glanced over at that place. Ages ago...

    Yeh its a real eye catcher as you go by. I need to find a starter for an 83 KZ 750 Kawasaki I gave to my son. Always thought about stopping in to check see if they had one, but never remembered til I was aflyin byyyyy :cool:

  4. Year before last I took those backroads down to Huntington WV. Mapped a rt taking 35 to Jackson, then 93 to Oakhill. Caught 233 south thorugh Kitchen on down to 141 to the right (?south?) riding in Wilgus. Took 775 south down to 7 running along the river.

    Outstanding scenery, rode through the bottoms, into some real Appalachia life....horse drawn plows, great 2 lanes but not for speed. Lots of blind curves (miss em you go over some good drop offs). Just before catching 141 I ran through some real desolate area's as I did running through Wayne Forrest. Almost like Dueling Banjo's/Deliverance type scenery in places.

  5. Going in for an interview for a job in a few days so not sure how my near future schedule is going to look, plus need to find a small tent thats packable and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.....need those to ride the scoot. :D

    When we moved here I sold all my camping gear 'cept the huge bags we have, hardly packable on the bike. Need the whole kitnkiboodle...

  6. It is kinda funny, 60 replies to a ride/thread that nobody from here showed up for.

    Yeh, shows its a popular subject and ride. We blew by there last summer on our way to NC running on the superslab. I mapped it and it shows running the 2 lane next to the slab down through WV and taking under 4 hrs. Although running 77 at 85 is a bit of fun by itself....:)

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