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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. RIP, it's almost like deer say BONZIII then run for it when cars are around. Then they sometimes stop dead and say wow those are some bright headlights. P.S. 23 south of 270 seems to have lots of deer, just a heads up.

    All the roads down here around Circleville seem to be in some prime whitetail areas. I rode in Michigan for some 35 years and learned to really watch for those critters. When riding at night in any area remotely rural watch for those reflective eyes. Also sometimes their body color stands out from the surrounding stuff they are standing in. I also tend to ride more on the centerline when possible and I slow down. I tend to be scanning off the road on both sides of the road maybe more than I am watching the road looking for the eyes or bodies or any movement. I mean even poor headlight coverage throws some light off the sides of the road which helps.

    Bottomline tho is there are times all this just isn't enough. I think slowing down appropriately is really your best defense but I have seen them actually run into a car or bike, I mean run into the side of them. Once I saw a deer rear up just before hitting the side of a car and drive one of its front hooves through the door skin. I witnessed that!!!!! I have lost friends in vehicle/deer collisions. You just never know.

    Imho night riding can be some of the best times especially out in the country away from traffic. Taking a ride in the cool night air is hard to beat.

  2. Now that Pryor is gone he does not have to snaswer to the NCAA allegations of wrongdoing. Soooooo it looks like the NC2A will hammer OSU for everything instead. Look forward to the forfeiting every game from last year, having to give back the winners share from the bowl game, having their names erased from having 'shared the Big 10 Championship' plus probably losing several scholarships for multiple years in addition to losing any chance at winning the Big Ten or being eligible for any bowl game for several years.

    The school is going to take the full brunt of the NCAA hammer now.

    Plus, Michigan is going to kicktheirass now....bwahahahaha

  3. Terrelle Pryor won't return to Buckeyes

    "Terrelle Pryor's career at Ohio State, which started with so much promise and potential, has come to an abrupt and scandal-ridden end.

    The Ohio State quarterback announced through his attorney on Tuesday that he would not play for the Buckeyes this season."


    good riddance.....

  4. I get so sick of hearing...'oh it'll be ok....' while people try to smooth over serious issues. 'Oh he really didn't do anything so serious.....it'll be ok.....give him a break.' Horse crap. This all is a microcosm of why our society has strayed so far from the values that helped make America. I don't want to make this a referendum or anything, but cmon, after making a pretty serious error in judgement (by not informing anyone about what he found out) he built on that by continuing to lie about it. I'm with Cheech completely. Tress needed to go. And don't be fooled by the public 'resigning'. He was forced to resign, probably given the 'either or' by that idiot Gordon Gee. I hope they continue the investigation because I have a feeling both Gee and the AD might be implicated in this too with Tressel 'falling on the sword' to save the university any more embarrassment and punishment. But I don't think we'll ever know the whole truth now that they're are going after Pryor (and others?) about the car issues. Imho, look for Pryor to leave in the July supplemental draft. This kid was molded in the same casting as MClarrett and would serve OSU best by gtfo Columbus asap.

  5. And I'm not defending him, just pointing out that we all do the same thing on some level.

    We break the rules/laws and get caught we pay the piper. Like Nicklaus said, once you've been caught breaking the rules, the investigators start turning everything over looking for the tiniest infraction by anyone even remotely involved. Then they hammer you for it.

  6. You had me right up until the last paragraph. None of these kids are poor to begin with? Wrong. Just because they may have been plucked from a private school, doesn't mean they didn't get a full ride to go there. If they were indeed well-off to begin with, then I would think their financial choices would be a little better than this.

    Most of them are going to break out of college and do absolute dick. SOME are going to get drafted into the NFL, and of those some, even less are going to make anything past the league minimum contract (which is arguably pretty high @ 340K for 2011, but nowhere near ZOMG MILLIONS!)

    So yes, if someone told me that with my natural ability and willingness to learn/adapt/train I could be making fat cash in the NFL and all I had to do was straighten up and fly right for 4-5 years through the NCAA, you bet your ass I'd do it.

    By saying 'most of the kids' I'm talking about these OSU kids. Most of those will come out making big money, with some in the $millions$, but $340k to me is big money. Enough to keep my head on straight for 4 yrs.

    I grew up dirt poor. Pryor was not even close to poor. Maybe he couldn't have paid his way to college....but that doesn't make him poor. There was no real need to sell his stuff. Trading it for a tat is not sending money home to mama to help but beans on the table.

    Chris Spielman said this whole thing is just the tip of the iceberg about Pryor. Pryor thinks the rules don't apply to him. Constantly late to practices, does what he wants regardless of what the rest of the team is required to do. A real prima donna. And Tressel and the rest of the staff let him get away with it. But so did the rest of the team. Hopefully they sit him down for his senior season. It would serve him right. But come draft day some pro team will select him high in the draft like they did Newton....:nono:....and he'll think he won. This is why I don't take it too seriously.

  7. Meyer is a good coach. He has already said 'not this year, contracted to ESPN', plus its said his wife will not go for it, absolutely not.

    They are also saying with it given that the NCAA will most likely match what they did to USC, it will be very hard to get a quality coach to come onboard facing a loss of up to 30 scholarships, loss of eligibility for any bowl games for several years plus whatever other sanctions are laid on them.

    Just like the 'USC should have known what Bush was getting', OSU 'should have known', as well as the tag of continued failure to comply.....its looking like things are catching up with those that chose to ignore the rules.

  8. SI claims there is more info to come. Pryor's name is the one being brought up. Its about the car's he's been given to use I'll bet. Well he needs to be suspended for the upcoming year and the AD at OSU needs to be fired. They will more than likely have to forfeit their entire season for playing ineligible players, lose some scholarships and be unable to play in any bowl games for a year or two. But they will survive. They will comeback if they get a coach in who demands rule adherence.

    The story about them selling their medals was because they needed the money. Why's that? They get all sorts of freebies all year long. They get a stipend every month, plus we all know none of these kids is poor to begin with. So whats so bad about a kid in their position having to play by a set of rules, no matter how stringent, for 3 or 4 years, when most of them are going to break out of college making millions of $$$$'s?

  9. Whats weird is we were back in Michigan visiting and my bro in law's gf is a staunch OSU and Florida fan. We all had been drinking and I mentioned this big issue and ended up telling Patti that when Tressel resigns your first thought will be me telling you it was going to happen. Guess I better not call her.....lol.....but they're without power or much communication due to the tornado that hit Battle Creek and ripped its guts out.

  10. Then your setup is lacking because there is definitely a difference. There were people who said the same thing in the vhs to dvd change and a vhs looks shitty if you go back and watch one. In most cases its an extra $5 to get the bluray and many of them come with the dvd too, prices have come down some they came out.


    We saw Hangover many times, great funny flick. Will probably end up a classic. Usually when they come out with "II's", "III's" and so one, they get watered down and are never as good as the original. The clips I've seen of "HO II" plus the quotes I'm reading from the movie make it sound like its going be another one of those lame wannabe's....so guess we'll wait until it goes to Blue Ray I can rent.

  11. Llike the quote from 'Matrix'....inevitability Mr Anderson....

    Tress was a very good coach between the lines, but was found to be less than that behind the scenes. Too bad, I always had the greatest of respect for this guy, even considering his OSU teams had been beating my Wolverines for so many years.

    So, will UMeyers end up as HC??? Where will Tressel re surface???

  12. My wife won't sell her bike, but would possibly swap or trade it towards another -- It seems she now has the "bug" as this is her 1st bike and she won't do without after this :D:D

    I can't blame her, I've been this way since I was 11 yrs old :lol:

    Yup, I wouldn't know what to do without a scoot.....been since the 60's.....

  13. I understand being the middle-man......not always fun trying to help someone out.....and my wife wouldn't be able to ride this bike without quite a bit of lowering, especially if your wife's friend has trouble at 5'3" - it would be possible to lower the bike enough so she could ride it BUT let me talk it over with my better half and see what she'd like to do - My wife's Intruder is in stellar condition and would definitely be worth the swap, but we haven't really shopped much for a sport ride that suits her -- this was kind of an impulse initiated by me ;) So I'll be in touch Mike, thanks man

    No problemo!

    So you're contemplating selling her Suzuki 800? This girl is looking for a cruiser like that, or maybe a V Star 650 to replace the Katana with.

  14. Been riding for way over 30 years, started off in the dirt and on the hills, so I know about crashing. Even though its not the same as on the road, you tend to hit more things and do some real weird contortions when you crash while offroad, so pain is pain, just no cages. Scootin around town I have come to be always aware, ever vigilant although we all know that doesn't always work. And in and around our small town I do not gear up. Now if I hit the slab, its helmet on (quite often the fullface), full leathers (in the heat-mesh textile with full guards), boots. Not the fancy super expensive pants, but leather helps more than you might think.

    I do not begrudge an rider who chooses to ride full gear on, or shorts and sandals. Its choice, but my wife being a new rider I insist on her being fully covered. I do things instinctually, she is still learning.

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