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Posts posted by Rhett

  1. another good book that is The #1 Best seller of all time, it is THE BIBLE it is a composition of mutiple writers all that are writing about our creation and some where hidden in it is the meaning of life, If you can find it!
  2. After I get my new Saleens I just ordered I was wondering how Much I could sell my stock GT wheels with new tires (1 month of driving, no racing or burn outs, Paid $650 for all 4 tires i forget the tire brand tho) for... Im going to post them on here and on Craigs list. Let me know what ya think I should list them for. I want to get enough to buy the wheels to mount some slicks on.


    Here is a pic a wheel, they are all in the same condition I only have a pic of 1 tho.


  3. I think the "Murdered Out" style is Nice... Thinking about doing it to the stang for a while now... But it is over used..... How many threads have been started in the last week or so about "Murderd out"?


    Im not going to say I just murderd Out my stang but I just did buy black Saleens to go with the black window tent and black headlight. So I blacked it out?

  4. LONNGN WAIIITSSSS, i got a ton of runs in in an hour causee i got there way early to get teched in ...then i waited 2.5 hours to run again got up to the line and they stopped our lines and went to the bigdogs adn bike...i sadi fuck it an left


    What did ya run?

  5. +1


    Yea the cops in ohio for the most point are f'ing useless. In something like your situation they are lazy and dont care, so they dont pursue the case... but then sometimes they write stupid tickets like at speed traps like I got a ticket in November for 71 in 60 right as it changed from 65 - 60..


    any way the cops are useless when you need them.

  6. fast as hell, I wish I had something like that :^( Do you think they were asleep at the tree or do you think they were trying to get a good launch and 1/4 mile time with out worrying about spinning or the reaction time?
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