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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Jesus, I may partake in this, or post pictures of Drunken Girl(s) I bring home
  2. Hello all, Just stopping by between sessions of epicness... -Malo "Dad Crew & Party Rock Krew"
  3. Did you read the comments... Supposedly they put her in the Hospital for a possible Stroke. LOLLERSKATES
  4. Rhett

    Valentines Day..

    I got back from traffic court a lil while ago. And I talked to the prosecutor afterwards just just shooting the shit. And I guess the cities are writing a lot more tickets trying to help out with money. But if its a speeding ticket most will just drop it to no points. I got my 42 in a 25 Reduced to a Muffler Violation with max costs $227 total. Only because the Magistrate reviewed my driving record and when you have tickets like 113 in a 55 they are not going to give ya much slack on the fines. But, go out woo your woman, give her the best 3inches she has ever got! Worry about the ticket later!
  5. Rhett

    Valentines Day..

    Or just a movie.. look I dont need to impress this girl
  6. Rhett

    Valentines Day..

    Yeah, like big black balls and whit pins
  7. Rhett

    Valentines Day..

    Im doing Shades and may do some bowling at Rule(3)... or just come back to the Apartment.. nothing too serious.
  8. Shanton, I saw this Yesterday and watched the video... he reminded me too much of the wannabes I went to HS with, so therefore I hated it. But I gave it a second listen, then it is not actually that bad if you dont watch the video. lol
  9. Rhett


    Pual did bitch out on the Race... Skered!!! Paul Remember just remember before you speak follow these steps. 1. Write them down 2. Circle the good things 3. Show them to Sam and I 4. Discuss with us 5. Speak and Rule #67 Do not do that shit in the truck!!!
  10. I hate to say this.. but I want a new Camaro more and more every day!
  11. And before you can say shit.... We did one race Mustang vs Camaro... we were door to door. I was all motor. I had a bad day at Drag way 42 and only went a fastest of 13.2... was running too tall of a tire (Slicks ate a hole in my running board) Fastest it ever went was 12.88 at Trails spraying My car only made 345whp 460tq that was with spray. my shit always ran, never broke down, was clean as hell, was always ready to roll And I never backed down to a race. I would race any race but asked we ran my race too. Yes it got repo'd Lets see what shit you come up with to talk http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/RhettMalo/My%20Stang/KatieandKaycarwash.jpg
  12. How am I bench racing All I am saying is do it right? You talked mad shit with your Camaro, when you got it back.. it barley ran then sold it. Im not in the place financially to say I'll have something to beat on you with. Got a deployment in the fall after that I start my job in Kuwait... Ill then have the budget to fuck what ever you got up. But till then I'll be the guy that still can go out to the meets, have fun with out a car, record races, talk shit and have fun.
  13. Rhett

    Who deleted it?

    Pussy, I fliped my car, got ejected, car landed on top of me.. a month out of the hospital I was doing it again. Just busting your ball because I am 6'5" 250.. Solid
  14. Phill I have a question... will it be put together better than the Camaro? Will it be able to shift.. stay running?
  15. Do I think Shantons new project will beat on Phil... dont know. But I do know it will hang... If this project keeps with in a few lengths from any roll with a litter bike that will be a feat with in its self.
  16. Acloche.com Its a temp company here in Coulumbus. They will prob put you in a warehouse.
  17. THIS check out the rest of the guys stuff too pretty good!
  18. How much for the glass frog?
  19. -- Cough Cough. I got girls lined up for this weekend, Shanton has HIS girl lined up for next week lol
  20. Wish I had 12k damn good deal IMO GLWS
  21. Best point and shoot ive ever owned. I've had about 10 or so. Great Pictures, small and sleek http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Canon+-+PowerShot+14.1-Megapixel+Digital+Camera+-+Black/9766919.p?id=1218170030335&skuId=9766919&cmp=RMX&ref=06&loc=01&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=9766919 http://images.bestbuy.com/BestBuy_US/images/products/9766/9766919_sb.jpg
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