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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Rhett

    Titty bar update!

    How about you work on your own damn car and get that thing out :bangbang:
  2. Rhett

    Titty bar update!

    Ask Me how much i spent Last night Phil, And I am one who does know about strip clubs... How many Strippers have you fucked.. in the strip Club? 2. How many strippers have you had come back to your house, and then have them run out thinking your friend is going to rape and kill them... (this happened to me, if shanton would have charged his Camera shit would be on video). I Spent $50. I had $22 in ones that Lasted me all night and then $20 in drinks+tip and $8 was contributed to Pauls first VIP room visit... which was awesome that she gave him Blue balls and as a think you gave him a Hand Job Porno DVD. LMFAO!!!! Me and Rob had never been to Dreamgirls thats why we stopped... we got in for free so it wasnt a waste. Phil dont hate.
  3. Sooo what this is telling me is... buy a PS3 lol This game looks tits!
  4. lol, I dont know what there is to do with your left hand or to keep busy.. never been in this situation.
  5. Ok For sale for $75 obo Locked
  6. Try to learn how to Bowl with your Left hand... I always wish i could be a good bowler with both hands... and by bowl I mean whacking off
  7. Rhett

    Titty bar update!

    Ok, So last night was pretty good... Car Whore was passed out and we got kicked out of X Bar, While he was passed out me and Rob decided to hit up Dream Girls... Paul stayed with passed out John. Rob pulled a number off the stripper in Dreamgirls, never gave her a dime. I spent $4 at Dreamgirls... I thought that place would be better than X with the number of cars out side... So after we leave we take CarWhore and Paul back to Crown so Paul can take his Date home (John I hope your ass didnt get stretched out by Paul) I am then taking Rob home and we decide to hit up another titty bar so we go to Rachel's... That place was a complete shit hole! (Shit Whole if you retarded ) So we stayed there for about 30min texting girls trying to find some ass, both of us do, I pick mine up take Rob home, go to get some AwfulHouse to be ready to do the act on a full stomach... girl gets annoying and pisses me off so I make her buy my meal then I drop her off and went home. Great Night no where near epic tho
  8. Soo we buy Paul a VIP room visit For $30. The girl then Comes out and says we owe her $10 more. Ontop of the Extra $7 Paul tipped her (who tips a stripper??) then CarWhores tells her to fuck off and she plays this hard ass I am not going to be q bitch card. Then the waitress comes over and is just bull shitting with us. The Carwhore decides to start handing her ones to go away. She rips the money up and throws it back at him. While he is throwing money on stage she drinks half his shot and beer. this is getting good!
  9. I still dont see the Penis... I see a pinkish object that only someone that is obsessed with dick could some how construe as a dick...
  10. If I had a Extra $170 sitting around I would and just go stand out side of Chuckie Cheese
  11. Could this be why my coolant is almost a brown color now? I am not leaking any or burning through it and I go from full to fill in about 5 weeks?
  12. Rhett


    Ask Rob... LOL Too Soon?
  13. Damn those Front Breaks work lol
  14. I am about to build the same thing at my families house here in picktown, keep the Build posted I like it!
  15. Rhett

    How do you....

    Because this is some what technical... duh
  16. Sooo are we still going out tonight?
  17. Rhett

    How do you....

    Was just wondering how do you all do this, is there a special way for special types of waste? So how do you... Shave your Balls A - from front to back B - from back to front C - both ways to be sure you get it all D- side to side E - in a circular motion F - dont Shave'em... All Natural
  18. Hide ya cars, Hide ya bikes Hide ya cars, Hide ya bikes Hide ya cars, Hide ya bikes Hide all yer Autos Because the Hail is commin to get ya http://stormen.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/hello.jpg
  19. .... it would have a restraining order on Phil and feel sorry for Paul
  20. No, It say's it has 5 Unlocks remaining.. I dont know what that means.
  21. Bump For the Hell of it. $100 Now
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