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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Im headed there now, text me if anybody goes and wants to window shop
  2. Its a hearing aid... They looked similar to cell phones back then and you had to hold it to your ear to hear. /Thread http://www.roger-russell.com/sonopg/soha40a.jpg
  3. Thanks Guys! I went yesterday to window shop some, It was Cool. Springfield had a Trailer there with hands on displays along with Remington and some other companies for Air Soft and Range Finders. Cool ass display got to hold all of the XDm pistols to see which one i liked most. I liked them all lol. I didn't shoot tho. But the Prices for Future Reference are, $10 Rang rental $10 Pistol or Rifle Rental Then Ammo Every body working there was great.
  4. Whos Been? I have been before but when I went I took my own guns. (Ar15, S&WSV40) But I want to go and just fuck around a little So who know much about their "Gun Rental" Thanks
  5. I will get a PS3 when I can buy the GT5 PS3 Bundle with Wheel and Pedals.... But its never going to happen so now I am going to play Halo!
  6. I went Sunday.. So I cant go till Friday lol. Oh and for the record. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT go in still half drunk, dehydrated and empty stomach. You will want to die, till they put fluids in your body lol... it sucked!
  7. I got fucked out of funding for the National Guard due to our god damn Commie govt trying to legalize all aliens. How you ask.. By making anyone in the USA that is 16 or younger a legal citizen. Now who would take care of them, there birth parents.. who prob bought them here... so now they can become a citizen. Oh and we will pay for all this. You know what!? I am going to sneak out of the us and Sneak back in under another name. Ill prob get better aid from the POS government then.
  8. Our Country and Government should be better...
  9. Eman If I see a Certain TL out and about.. It may loose a back window.. Just saying. See ya at CSL Friday around 3??
  10. How did this get put in the PRK section? LOL But OT I think Ill rent it first, I was not a BC2 fan..
  11. He is the one that Drives the Miata set up for Auto X and Drifts it too. He is a cool dude. And a part of the Plasma Selling Krew
  12. Wait, I think the shit written in the grass is funny... but why the tow?
  13. How.. in.. the.. hell.. did you find this?
  14. For a DD, like my Jeep, I prefer an auto.... Even for a work truck I would still want an auto. But for a street/track car Manual, but for the Drag Strip Auto. I guess its all about what you like and need it for. .... But you should have the option to choose.
  15. Not a damn thing it will still be the same nooo racing lol
  16. Fuck that... Ill just buy a car now, never convert it and then fly down the shoulder... fuck if I want to go some where and not drive Ill take the damn bus or a train.
  17. Where I am living right now in Pickerington My iPhone 3Gs gets no signal... I am not out in the Country I am about 3 miles from sr256 off of Diley Rd. So I called AT&T and asked about getting a discounted rate since I cant use my phone when I am home. They Told me there was nothing they could do except send me a new SIM card. So I played hard ball and said thats bull shit. They said sorry. I Said I had Verizon before them and not 1/2 the bs with them as I do with at&t so I said I'll just switch back. Then they pulled the iPhone card... God I hope Verizon does get the i4. I will be there the day it launches!
  18. Rhett

    More black ops news

    SOCOM 1 2 and 3 were all awesome games! Did one ever come pout for PS3?
  19. Rhett

    More black ops news

    When Does Black Ops Come out.. I need to order it
  20. Rhett

    More black ops news

    Halo is a great game, and how do you like Gran Turismo 4.... on ps2... How is Forza on PS3?
  21. Nope, They have a Violin shaped think on there back like the hour glass on a black widow.
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